作詞:Jason/方文山/王威登 作曲:林邁可 編曲:林邁可 主唱:Jason&Lara
猴媽上《我可能不會愛你》片尾之三行情語 (第6集、第9集)
目前分類:歌詞和特獻 (115)
- Jul 31 Mon 2006 21:21
Say U Love Me
Say U Love Me
作詞:Jason/方文山/王威登 作曲:林邁可 編曲:林邁可 主唱:Jason&Lara
作詞:Jason/方文山/王威登 作曲:林邁可 編曲:林邁可 主唱:Jason&Lara
- May 26 Fri 2006 14:31
Jesus Jesus 只愛你
音樂出處: GRmusic
Jesus Jesus 只愛你
- May 04 Thu 2006 10:03
就是你 (It's You)
就是你(It's You)
作詞:戴佩妮 作曲:戴佩妮 編曲:戴佩妮 女聲:Yummy
倘若不是緣分 我怎麼會 我怎會遇見你
街上的人那麼多 視線卻偏偏 只和你有交集
倘若說是個巧合 那勉強也還可以
怎麼會轉轉轉 轉個彎又看到你
*是誰的聲音 我想要偷聽
- Apr 27 Thu 2006 12:22
What Will I Do
Song Name: What Will I Do
Artiste(s): Natalie Burks
Drama Title: Long Vacation
Artiste(s): Natalie Burks
Drama Title: Long Vacation
I'm not really sure of the words to say
If only you knew that I feel this way
I wanna give my heart to you
Show me the way that you want me to
- Apr 01 Sat 2006 12:46
OT: Annie Laurie
OA: William Douglas, Lady John Scott
中文詞: 嚴云農
演唱: 張韶涵
OA: William Douglas, Lady John Scott
中文詞: 嚴云農
演唱: 張韶涵
專輯: 潘朵拉
- Mar 12 Sun 2006 12:11
When I Survey (The Wondrous Cross)
WHEN I SURVEY (The Wondrous Cross)
Isaac Watts
Performed by Kathryn Scott
- Mar 01 Wed 2006 08:49
Artist: Hillsong
Album: United - To The Ends Of The Earth
Album: United - To The Ends Of The Earth
Would you believe me if i said...
That we are the ones who can make the change
in the world today....
Would you believe me if i said
that all of the dreams in your heart
That we are the ones who can make the change
in the world today....
Would you believe me if i said
that all of the dreams in your heart
- Feb 13 Mon 2006 09:32
作詞:王雅君 作曲:王雅君
每一次 都在 徘徊孤單中堅強
每一次 就算很受傷也不閃淚光
我知道 我一直有雙隱形的翅膀
帶我飛 飛過絕望
每一次 就算很受傷也不閃淚光
我知道 我一直有雙隱形的翅膀
帶我飛 飛過絕望
- Feb 06 Mon 2006 11:02
I'll See You
I'll see you when I get there,
Shining like the sun.
I'll see you when I get there,
Into your arms I'll run.
Shining like the sun.
I'll see you when I get there,
Into your arms I'll run.
I see you when the wind blows,
Running without fear,
Born to rest in your Father's arms,
Running without fear,
Born to rest in your Father's arms,
- Jan 15 Sun 2006 09:01
【一無掛慮】 no worry 詞:新約聖經腓立比書4章6-7節 曲&唱:曾如芳
- Jan 07 Sat 2006 09:22
Into You
Into You
vocal: Natalie
lyrics/composer: CAGNET
If I had you now
- Jan 07 Sat 2006 09:17
讚美歸給祂 用我全心來歡唱
榮耀歸給祂 用我全人來宣揚 x 2
- Jan 01 Sun 2006 15:38
像一場夢 卻醒不過來
另一個我在看著我 她問我值不值得 為你付出所有
只要一想起你的溫柔 就會讓我看不清楚 你想做的你
沒有誰強迫我堅強 我卻都忍的住 清醒〔夢裡〕的孤獨
- Dec 06 Tue 2005 09:14
曲:Franz Gruber,1818 詞:Joseph Mohr,1818 編:vint
曲:Franz Gruber,1818 詞:Joseph Mohr,1818 編:vint
Silent night holy night,
All is calm all is bright,
Round your virgin mother and Child,
Holy Infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
All is calm all is bright,
Round your virgin mother and Child,
Holy Infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
- Nov 18 Fri 2005 15:02
遺失的美好 + 杯子
海的思念綿延不絕 終於和天在地平線交會
海的思念綿延不絕 終於和天在地平線交會