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When I came back from Taiwan to Canada this year, I've forgotten about the yearly fireworks display (called Celebration of Light-- during the summer.


Near the end of last month (July), I suddenly wanted to watch fireworks and remembered the yearly fireworks at English Bay. What an opportunity to enjoy the dazzling-shining, gentle lightling-flashing pretty dandy in my Long Vacation summer 2005? It would be very worthwhile.


However I thought it must have been already over since it was already late July, so I didn't tell anyone about it and didn't gave much thought afterwards. But, not many days after, in one of those small hours when I worked at church, my pastor "happened" to be reading a newspaper and told me about wanting to see the fireworks. To my surprise, I learned that day was only the first day for the show (Canada, I believe)! And it turned out that the newspaper provided all the dates, venues and other infos on the fireworks.


Finally, I had an opportunity to see the fireworks at Kitsilano Beach with one of my best friends Wayne, on a beautiful sunny day. The actual fireworks were great, especially knowing that this was another one of those touching gifts from above, from my loving Heavenly Daddy. The night was indeed a celebration of Light--the Light that shines above all lights, the Source of all of the world's prettest sights and brights, where even all of them together could only reflect one tiny pin drop of the ocean of lights. Because, the Light is the "Father of lights," where all of the majestic and graceful displays on the earth, and in all of the heavenly places, are His gentle voice towards mankind and each one of us. It's His way of saying to us just how much He still loves and cares for you and I, and that our lives are just like those lights, shining only for Him.


"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning" (Jam 1:17)


"各樣美善的恩賜和各樣全備的賞賜都是從上頭來的,從眾光之父那裡降下來的;在他並沒有改變,也沒有轉動的影兒" (雅1:17)



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