I knew all along that this was coming
I will not run away, I will not hide
I will not pretend, I will face it courageously
Nobody gets hurt
Not my God
Not my love He made
God understands my actions
But sometimes people do not always
I offered up my love everyday
I went through death everyday
I know one day my love will understand
Because true love will last forever
I suddenly remembered why Jesus rebuked the Pharisees
Religion, religion, and religion
Wrong a million times, says Jesus
There is only one way to reconciliation
The way of Jesus
The way of the Cross
The sacrifice
I will not run away, I will not hide
I will not pretend, I will face it courageously
Nobody gets hurt
Not my God
Not my love He made
God understands my actions
But sometimes people do not always
I offered up my love everyday
I went through death everyday
I know one day my love will understand
Because true love will last forever
I suddenly remembered why Jesus rebuked the Pharisees
Religion, religion, and religion
Wrong a million times, says Jesus
There is only one way to reconciliation
The way of Jesus
The way of the Cross
The sacrifice
Now let the tears flow
I know I will rejoice once again
Maybe years and years later
Maybe in the corridors of eternity
But I know sacrifice is the only way
The only way
So that nobody will get hurt
The way of the One Who taught me what love is
To sacrifice like He did
He said I'll never know how He loved a person if I've never sacrificed... my all
And my love who is valued more than my own life
Oh Lord, here I come
I've chosen this path and You know I don't go back on my words
I've chosen pain and death
Because finally I can conform just a little bit more to Your image
One day
I know I will rejoice once again
Maybe years and years later
Maybe in the corridors of eternity
But I know sacrifice is the only way
The only way
So that nobody will get hurt
The way of the One Who taught me what love is
To sacrifice like He did
He said I'll never know how He loved a person if I've never sacrificed... my all
And my love who is valued more than my own life
Oh Lord, here I come
I've chosen this path and You know I don't go back on my words
I've chosen pain and death
Because finally I can conform just a little bit more to Your image
One day
My love will see the Way, the Truth and the Life
One day
My love will finally see Jesus
My love will fall in love with Jesus
That day, my sacrifice will not seem like a great price
In that, I take great joy, even though it hurts so much
One day
My love will finally see Jesus
My love will fall in love with Jesus
That day, my sacrifice will not seem like a great price
In that, I take great joy, even though it hurts so much
But it's ok
Because my love's smile has become my vision now
And this is the greatest revelation of Jesus Christ
He died for love's sake
"It is more blessed to give than to receive" -- Jesus Christ (Acts 20:35)