"The reason why we are saved is that God would have us to be His children who are in His full image. We are called to be like God for we have been created with that image in our destiny. The greatest thing that you would have done in this life in which will shine in eternity is measured by the acts of love in your life. The meaning of life is to love. To love is find true meaning in life. We were made to love God. We were made to be creatures of love displaying love to one another. Love is our beginning and our eternity. It is the sum and goal of true Christianity."
Excerpt from Fatherly Talk 5.15
還有看到著個超好笑的說!! 張韶涵超可愛!!
娛百 - 小豬 & 小鬼捉弄張韶涵
韶涵預計九月出新專輯, CAN'T WAIT! YAY!!
