猴媽上《我可能不會愛你》片尾之三行情語 (第6集、第9集)









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Taken from Fatherly Talk

Motivation: The Most Important Thing in Life

Dear Beloved

In this present life that can sometimes get so busy with people hustling and bustling through all the activities, people tend to be oriented towards results or goals rather than motivation. The 'what' we do and the 'how' we do it occupies the main consciousness of most people. From the spiritual point of view, it is more important 'why' we want to do what we do or how we do some things. For this reason, it sometimes takes time for God and His angels to bring about an answer to prayer, not because He could not do it sooner, but rather because the person concern has a lot of work to do to get the motivation correct. It sometimes takes years or decades for a person to yield their motivation to God.

Moses took forty long years before his prideful desire to be seen as the deliverer of his brethren was eradicated from his life. In his Egyptian pomp and pride, he killed the Egyptian guard thinking that with that act of protecting his brethren, they would have understood that by his hand God would deliver them (Acts 7:25). His was greatly learned in all the Egyptian wisdom and was mighty in deeds (Acts 7:22). The book of Josephus (a Jewish historical book) records of successful wars fought by Moses (Book 2 chapter 10). What could be Moses' motivation when he killed the Egyptian or visited his brethren constantly (Acts 7:23)? I am sure that there is some level of compassion and empathy but the central motivation was that he would be seen and known as their deliverer. And this is not acceptable in God's sight. Thus God allowed Moses to enter a wilderness period for forty years, till he had no more motivation to be the superman for Israel. In fact he became so contented as a herdsman that he preferred if God sent someone else (Exodus 4:10-15). Moses became the very opposite of what he was, even denying his eloquence when he was mighty in word and deeds before. He had no more self ambition. And this is what God can use to make a man great in Him, for then the instrument He uses will always give God the glory for all things accomplished.

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