猴媽上《我可能不會愛你》片尾之三行情語 (第6集、第9集)

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Prophecy for 2012: The Year of Change and Breakthrough
January 1st, 2012


2012 is a Year of Change and Breakthroughs.

The Vision:

Vision of an eagle, a bear, a dragon and a beast. The eagle was flying in the sky, high and mighty, but it was shot in the neck from within its own borders. The bear rage and was angry at the beast and it turned against it before it was friendly again. Meanwhile, a dragon flew in the skies and dominated the skies.

The eagle could still walk even when it was injured in the neck but with great struggle. The bear strike at the beast and inflicted three large gashes. The beast was like a mixture of all animals, it had spots like a leopard, feathers and claws like a bird and thick mane like a lion. It had two wings but they look small and seem to be growing. The beast was pushed southwards but retain its dominion.The dragon was watching the fight between the bear and the beast, and the tail of the beast knocked down the dragon to the ground. The dragon had to land on the ground for some time to recover its strength but it, too, retain its dominion.

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The Widow's Offering (Mark 12:41-44 NIV)

 41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts.

42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than ALL the others.

44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on."

It is deemed an honorary deed by the world today if some give generously out of their abundance. But the world has seldom seen the God-kind-of-sacrifice displayed by this poor widow. The only reason she gave was out of her love for God. It is contrary to fallen human nature to love like this. Yet when one falls in love with Jesus, it becomes so natural.

Those who walk in the love of God are known and highly praised and esteemed by God Himself and the myriads of angels and ministering spirits in all the spiritual universes of God. For as the angels desired to look into the mystery of Jesus' sacrificial death for sinful mankind, they are intensely attracted and interested to anything and anyone bearing the love of God (1 Pet 1:12). These will ascend to the highest sphere of God when they pass to glory in this life--for the essence of their being has been transformed to the image of Christ through the partaking of His divine nature by the Holy Spirit (Rom 8; 2 Pet 1:4). Even while on earth, they will have a foretaste of the highest spiritual realm where God is truly known as the God of Love, as revealed by the disciple whom Jesus loved, who often leaned on and into the bosom of Love as one of the closest to Him (John; 1 John 4:7-8).

Here lies true spirituality in its purest form without religiosity. Here lies true godliness and holiness without worldliness. For here lies true Christlikeness--it is not the giving nor the amount in themselves, but the heart-love that one exudes for God and in turn to those being given. The reason the widow could give more than riches and more than all was because she had a heart that was more than gold and fairest than all!

The Love of Christ is the summary and goal of all honest spiritual pursuit and discipline. For as until eternity, love will never die (1 Cor 13:8 MSG). It is what Jesus died for, yearns today, and celebrates forevermore. The love of Jesus Christ is what makes a life (and Christmas!) so heart-warming, beautiful, and special (specialness*infinity).

(Always Heart-Shaped)

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Excerpt from The Road to Glory


Visions of Revival in the Fourth Phase of Ministry

As I write this portion of autobiography (April 2008 at present time of writing this section), it is written looking forward to glimpses of things that will result within and from the fourth phase of ministry. Obviously, at this time I cannot write it as a historical account but only as a glimpse into the future as shown to me by God. When some of these things have taken place, we will write other books looking into the historical occurrences which God orchestrates. There are many and varied visions and glimpses of the future that God has shown and permission is granted only to share some of these. Others will be shared when the fullness of time comes.

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2011-07-10  神完全的愛




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It was a very short dream. I only saw the back profile of Jesus and knew He was there, seems to be sitting down or in a kneeling position like the Japanese. He had another 'disciple' with Him, seems to be a male figure, not sure. The gist of the dream is that He asked me who killed Him while He was on the earth. I thought to myself it's the religious leaders of that time. He then said out my unspoken thought. It is the Pharisees and religious leaders of that time that instigated His death. Then I saw a violin bow, and a scissors cutting across the lower end of the bow hair so that the hair are completely loosened from the bow. He then said, those who teach others what to do but don't do it themselves at all are like this bow, they cannot be used, just like a bow with loosened hair cannot play the violin by a violinist. Even if it is a master violinist, it is still no use. I can relate to this well because I myself learned and play the violin for a great number of years. And actually some of my string hair fell sometime ago, maybe like 15% of them. I can still play, but obviously not as loud as I'd like to. I can imagine if all the hairs are gone, what's the use of the bow?

第四個看見耶穌的異夢. 這次的夢很短, 我只看見祂的背影輪廓. 祂以坐著或類似日本人跪著的姿勢, 旁邊還有一位或兩位"門徒"和祂在一起. 夢的大意是, 主問我當祂在地上時, 是誰預謀了祂的死刑. 我心裡想著, 是當時的宗教領袖. 耶穌彷彿聽見我心裡未說出的回答, 接著我說, 是祂時期的那些法利賽人和宗教領袖殺了祂. 然後我看見一把小提琴弓, 然後有一把剪刀, 從弓的最底部把弓毛都剪斷, 弓毛就全鬆開了. 主就說, 那些只會叫人去做自己卻不動手的人, 就像是一把斷毛的弓, 是個完全無法被祂使用的器皿. 再利害的提琴大師也無法使用一把完全沒有弓髮的弓. 這點對我個人來說是非常清楚的, 因為我學了小提琴多年. 事實上, 前一陣子我的小提琴弓毛才掉了一些, 因為掉的不多還能用, 但也可感覺到拉出的聲音比較小. 但誰能拉奏一把弓毛全掉的弓呢?

The Pharisees who instigated Jesus' death were like that. Matt 23 contains their deeds and Jesus' harshest comments in all the Gospels. They were hypocrites. 'Do not be like the hypocrites' can summarize this dream. Some may not be as hypocritical as the Pharisees, but if followers of Jesus don't endeavor to practice (by receiving God's grace) what they emphatically tell others to do, they will be called the "least in the Kingdom of Heaven." (Matt 5:19).

這就如殺害了耶穌的那些法利賽人一般. 馬太福音23章記錄了耶穌對他們最嚴厲的責備. 他們是假冒偽善的一群. 「不要做假冒偽善的人」這句話, 可以用來作為這異夢的總括. 有很多人也許不像法利賽人般的虛偽, 但如果跟隨基督的門徒不盡量身體力行他們一直叫別人要去遵守的, 他在「天國裡要稱為最小的」(太5:19).

It is a reminder to myself and everyone. May our lives be genuine and aspire to do what we already know in the Bible by God's enabling--for we will always fail by our own strength. Jesus is there to help through the Holy Spirit, with His tender mercies and great compassion. It is by the power of His Word and Spirit that we will be transformed in grace. Amen.

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Years ago I've posted a detailed blog on spiritual dreams and their interpretation. The interpretation applies to vision as well. Since my blog site has been changed from MSN Spaces to Wordpress, many of the links are not working, so here they are again.



Biblical Dreams & Interpretation


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妳提起的是否「一次得救就永遠得救」的問題, 就如妳說的是個很大的議題, 很多的神學家、牧者、和教派都有不同的觀點. 據我所知, 就算是靈糧堂裡面的牧者也是會有不同的看法的(但因這不是核心教義, 所以分歧沒關係). 所以這個問題也不是短短篇幅就能完全深入討論. 不過大體來看, 有相信一次得救永遠得救的一派, 而另一端則是相信救恩在一些狀況有可能失去. 這兩個相反的觀點因為似乎都有足夠經文的支持, 所以此問題一直是兩千年教會歷史極爭議的問題.

我的個人看法是, 通常真理比較是在兩個極端的中間. 如果根據希伯來書6:4-6、10:26、約一5:16, 一為重生得救的信徒是有可能失去救恩的. 仔細即一致性的去看上述經文, 不太容易把它們解釋成是在描述一位非基督徒. 例: 「弟兄」明顯指信徒、「我們」上下文指信徒、「蒙了光照、嘗過天恩的滋味、又於聖靈有分、並嘗過神善道的滋味、覺悟來世權能的人」等 字句, 很明顯是指一位重生得救的信徒. 這些是相信救恩是能夠失去的支持者他們的貢獻, 忠於聖經. 但相信會永遠得救的一方的貢獻是, 儘管救恩是能夠失去的, 但救恩卻不會輕易的失去. 有點像褻瀆聖靈的罪, 如果一位信徒不想冒犯聖靈, 他們就不會犯褻瀆聖靈的罪, 因為真正褻瀆聖靈的人, 並不會在乎他們是否冒犯聖靈了, 就如耶穌時代的很多法利賽人.

所以簡單來說, 救恩是可以失去的, 但卻不會輕易失去. 一位信徒如果不想失去救恩, 他就不會失去. 來6:4-6說的很清楚, 要失去救恩必須是在主裡有很深厚的經歷, 但卻又藐視至不顧救恩的寶貴而自己選擇離棄救恩. 聖經的例子有猶大, 聖經形容他是主的「門徒」, 甚至「使徒」, 不大可能是個未曾得救的信徒. 總結就是, 所以即使救恩能夠失去, 但一般絕大多數真正得救的信徒是不會去選擇離棄救恩的(正常思考的人都不會吧!).

希望有稍微解釋到. 主愛裡.

George  : )

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of Math

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There will be less sharing on the Word of God (written or audio) during my "pruning period" (John 15) as my life-ministry cycle is at the ending year. But since something surround my leaving Taiwan temporarily, a brief sharing is posted here because in the general Christian population, it seems that a majority tends to easily mix up the issue of "sensing in the spirit" and "discerning the will of God."

"Sensing in the spirit" means someone picks up something with their spirit, whether about themselves or others, or from objects. What they pick up in the spirit may be true, however, it does not equal to God's Will. A classic example can be found in Acts 21, where the disciples told Paul not to go to Jerusalem "through the Spirit" because they sensed danger there in their spirit. This is true, for Paul encountered great difficulty there, and also confirmed by the Prophet Agabus. However, the disciples did not discern between their sensing and God's Will. Or maybe some of them did. Nevertheless, normal human emotions and logic would be to flee from danger, which is very understandable. But Paul knew in his heart that Jerusalem is where God wanted him to go. This was vividly confirmed when the Lord Jesus Himself appeared to him and confirmed this call. Another principle seen here is that the greater the task and trial, the greater the manifestation of God's presence and love to strengthen the called of God.

Most Christians, when praying for God's will, tend to think that what they sense in their heart might be God's call. Sometimes this could be true, but it is not necessary. One can pick up anything anytime, but what he/she senses are only facts (ie if what they sensed was truly from the spirit) and not God's direction in their or others' lives. A practical example would be, when someone prays for a person who is seeking a career field, the person praying picks up the word "music." However, this can mean that God has gifted the person being prayed for with musical ability, or that he/she has something to do with music, but all these facts and interpretation do not necessarily have anything to do with God's specific direction. Certainly, the giftedness in music may have something to do in the person's future career, but it may or may not be so. Only someone who is more mature in the spirit can discern whether what he picks up is a pure fact or God's directional word. Another example would be, someone sensitive in the spirit can usually pick up something when touching an object used constantly by another, such as a pillow. When he sleeps on the pillow, he can sometimes pick up some of the things in the owner's life when sleeping on it, usually via spiritual dreams. However, what he dreams is only a reflection of the spiritual state of the owner, and may not have to do with God's specific word directly.

Hope this would help to clarify, as one of the most often-asked questions in the Christian life is "what is God's will" in all areas of life: family, friendship, ministry, career, marriage, and all the various issues of life.

How one can sharpen their discerning in the spirit (also sensing) are the good old steps of seeking God in worship, the Word, and prayer. Praying in the spirit helps. But more importantly are the meditation on God's Word (Heb 4:12) and more knowledge and understanding of God's eternal, unchanging Word of Truth. Blessings to all.

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Heb 4:12)

In His Grace and Love.

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Part 3 -




為主來夢想 (回想版)


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Taken from Fatherly Talk

Motivation: The Most Important Thing in Life

Dear Beloved

In this present life that can sometimes get so busy with people hustling and bustling through all the activities, people tend to be oriented towards results or goals rather than motivation. The 'what' we do and the 'how' we do it occupies the main consciousness of most people. From the spiritual point of view, it is more important 'why' we want to do what we do or how we do some things. For this reason, it sometimes takes time for God and His angels to bring about an answer to prayer, not because He could not do it sooner, but rather because the person concern has a lot of work to do to get the motivation correct. It sometimes takes years or decades for a person to yield their motivation to God.

Moses took forty long years before his prideful desire to be seen as the deliverer of his brethren was eradicated from his life. In his Egyptian pomp and pride, he killed the Egyptian guard thinking that with that act of protecting his brethren, they would have understood that by his hand God would deliver them (Acts 7:25). His was greatly learned in all the Egyptian wisdom and was mighty in deeds (Acts 7:22). The book of Josephus (a Jewish historical book) records of successful wars fought by Moses (Book 2 chapter 10). What could be Moses' motivation when he killed the Egyptian or visited his brethren constantly (Acts 7:23)? I am sure that there is some level of compassion and empathy but the central motivation was that he would be seen and known as their deliverer. And this is not acceptable in God's sight. Thus God allowed Moses to enter a wilderness period for forty years, till he had no more motivation to be the superman for Israel. In fact he became so contented as a herdsman that he preferred if God sent someone else (Exodus 4:10-15). Moses became the very opposite of what he was, even denying his eloquence when he was mighty in word and deeds before. He had no more self ambition. And this is what God can use to make a man great in Him, for then the instrument He uses will always give God the glory for all things accomplished.

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Article taken from: Fatherly Talk – The Joy of the Lord

Dearly Beloved,

In exegetical teaching through the book of Philippians, which is a book of New Testament joy (Greek words 'chairo' and 'chara' as expressed by Paul writing from prison, I saw more clearly the place of joy in the Christian life (the sermons are available free online in the Singapore cathedral of glory site – 8 sermons in all with notes from Philippians 2 onwards). Paul spoke of the joy of faith (Philippians 1:25) and called the Philippians his joy and crown (Philippians 4:1). We do know that this joy is spiritual and supernatural and not from ourselves. It is the joy of Jesus in us and can be at different levels, the highest being full (John 15:11). It is as real as and more important than food or drink (Romans 14:17). It is the result of our believing and faith; believing fills us with joy and peace which crushes Satan underneath us (Romans 15:13; 16:20). Joy is something which we cannot quite express with words and it is the strength through which Jesus underwent the cross successfully (1 Peter 1:18; Hebrews 12:2).

The fact is that many Christians have a measure of peace through forgiveness of sins but not many Christians seem to have joy. All of us are greatly loved by God our father but yet this joy of the Lord promised to us by Jesus is not sufficiently demonstrated by many Christians. There are several attributes to the joy of the Lord that we need to know:

1. It is not dependent on outward circumstances

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The article link you sent has a very nice explanation and mostly right

Hades (Greek) in the NT is the equivalent as Sheol (Hebrew)
in the OT because of their usage and interchangeability. Where NT quoted
OT passage with 'Sheol', it used the word 'Hades'. And this is highly
consistent throughout the whole NT.

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Excerpt Taken from Fatherly Talk

Dearly Beloved

We read of the love of the Father in our introduction into the New Testament within the famous verse of John 3:16, how God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. We also know the great extent of the love of Jesus for us (Romans 5:8). There has never been a problem about the revelation of God's love to us; the problem has always been as to whether we understand and receive the revelation of God's love. Not everyone of us know how to receive and appreciate the great love of the Father.

In the parable of the talents, three servants are given different amount of talents: to the first, five talents, to the second two talents, and to the last servant one talent (Matthew 25:14-30). The first produced another five talents, the second produced another two talents but the last servant had hidden the original talent and not produced any results. The strangeness of the story is also the fact that it would have been naturally easier for the one with one talent to produce as he had only one responsibility and that was to multiply that one while the other two servants had more responsibility and yet succeeded gloriously. The answer is revealed in the one talent servant. Since in this story, the owner represents God and Christ, the perception of the owner by the servant is as follows:

1. He perceived that the master was a hard man reaping where he has not sown and gathering where he had not scattered seed (Matthew 25:24). Such accusations cannot be true for it is against the law of the Bible which states clearly that everyone reaps what they sow (Galatians 6:7). He might not have seen how the master sows or scatters seed but it is a fallacy to think that one can reap what they did not sowed. It would be equivalent to calling the master a thief.

2. The servant also expressed his fear and reacted by hiding the one and only talent he had (Matthew 25:25).

In his judgment and punishment of the owner, the owner reveals the true nature of the one talent servant: he was wicked and he was lazy (Matthew 25:26). Who do we believe, the owner or the one talent servant? Of course the owner, for the other five talent and two talent servants had no such problems with the owner. The real reason why the one talent servant did not multiply the talent was because he was lazy and probably did wicked things which the owner knows about (could be the very reason why the owner tested him with one talent) (Matthew 25:26).

The above parable illustrates how strange perception can be. We perceive other people through our own inner perception and lenses. We sometimes see the reflection of ourselves in others, whether good or bad. The wicked and lazy servant perceived the master to be wicked and lazy. When we judged other people, we are judging ourselves (Matthew 7:1-2). The same measure we use is the same measured back to us. How then can we perceive truth? Only the Spirit of truth can show truth. Only God who has no darkness in Him can perceive all of us for who we are. And only in His Spirit and light can we perceive the true nature of people (1 Corinthians 2:10-14).

For this reason, despite having created the whole world in His great and abundant love, people still mistrust and misperceive God. Some people see God as a cruel master because of the cruelty in their own hearts. Some others perceive God as lacking love because they themselves lack love. We see our own belief system and convictions reflected back at us when we see God through our own eyes. The Bible has the story of the prodigal son and the father that clearly illustrates this misperception of God. The story of the prodigal son is not really just the story of the prodigal son, rather it is the story of the Father of the prodigal son who represents our loving Father in heaven (Luke 15:11-32).

The prodigal son asked (demanded) for his inheritance from the father and received it. He spent all that he had and when he was in want, he ended up working in a pig sty. In great hunger such that even pig's food looked good to him, he reasoned within himself that it was much more better to work as a hireling for his father than to remain where he was (Luke 15:14-17). He even was willing to repent, acknowledged his sin and be disowned remaining just a hired servant. We then have the famous story of the prodigal son's father running to the lost son from afar putting on the best robes on him, plus rings and a pair of sandals on his feet, slaughtered the fatted calf for a celebration. The elder brother upon hearing of the celebration became angry and refused to go the party. His anger was probably directed at the father and the brother. He clearly stated that even though he has served the father faithfully all these years without transgression, his father had never gave him a young goat that he might make merry with his friends. Thus we have the contrast of two sons who had grown up and lived with the same father. One a transgressor and the other a law abiding man. The saddest thing was that both did not know the love of the father.

The prodigal son was like one of those who knew how to claim his rights and knew how to wriggle his way to have his needs met. He claimed his right of inheritance and received it. In famine and having nothing, he knew how to join himself to a swine herdsman. And when he compared how good the life of the servants under his father with the hard life he was living, he decided to become like one of the father's servants. At no time was it ever stated that he returned to the father because he loved the father. He was only interested in himself. That was his life. It typifies many Christians who are only in it for themselves. As long as God provides for them and feed their hunger, they will serve Him. Like the people who would make Jesus king because He could supernaturally feed them (John 6:15). Their motivation for singing Hail King Jesus would have been that which arises from self-interest. The prodigal son did not return to the father for the sake of the father. He cared not that his father was pining for him and longing for him each day. He cared not that his father was in pain and distress wondering where his beloved son was. He cared not for the sense and loss of the father. He never cared when he demanded for his inheritance nor did he cared when he was returning home to work for the father. He only cared for himself. In the midst of all his selfishness, he never ever saw the heart of the father. He never knew the love of the father nor could he empathise with his father's compassion.

The elder brother did not fare better either. He served the father. He obeyed the father. He was law abiding and most likely was very thrifty since he had never had a party with his friends before. He was also self-righteous for he considered himself better than his brother pointing to the harlotry of the younger brother. In all his law abided-ness, in all his self-righteousness, in all his hard work slogging day and night to serve and work under the father, in all his thriftiness and avoid waste, he never knew the love of his father nor understood his father's compassion and love. It was clear that he had no confidence in his father's generosity and love. For he was the opposite from his brother; his younger brother was selfish and dared to ask and demand of the father; he was not confident in his father's love for him and never dared to ask of the father. All his life working under the father and yet he still was not confident in his father's love. His father had made it clear that all the time that he was with the father, everything was his to use and be blessed. It was not the father who stopped him from having a party and enjoying the goat and all that was in the household, it was his own perception of the father that prevented him from enjoying the father's generosity. It is quite apparent that he did not understand the father's love and compassion for he was angry at the love shown to the younger son. He never shared the pain and the loss of the father's heart when his younger brother left home. He never shared in the constant grief and compassion and pining of the father for the younger son. Because he did not shared in the sorrow of love of the father for the younger son, he could not thus understand the joy that the father had when the younger son returned.

Two brothers living in the same house, brought up by the same father, having opposite personalities (one a transgressor and the other a law abiding man) both of them did not know the father's love. How can this be? I believe that the basic reason is that the two sons probably never ever took time to be with the father to understand his heart, to understand his nature, to know him for who he was and is. One son was too involved in satisfying his own desires, the other son was too involved in work and duty to be with the father. One took from him, the other dare not take from him. Both failed miserably in the test of love for the father. Where were the empathic tears that the elder brother could shed for the father, when finally the pining and agonising pain of the loss of a father for his son was healed upon his brother's return? Where were the tears of the younger son, that said that he missed the father and wanted to be with him forever? Nay, they both did not know the father's love.

In a similar way, we who are believers all share the same Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. But do we know the Father? Do we truly know His love? Do we feel His heart beat? Do we know His love for all of His creation? Do we feel His compassion flowing in our veins? Do we truly, truly love Him?

May we know the Father's heart and let our heart beat in tune to His heart beat of unconditional and eternal compassionate love.

In Christ Jesus



大膽的抗議! Angry



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Excerpt Taken From Fatherly Talk

Dearly Beloved

The vast majority of Christians today are believers or converts and not disciples. Yet the command of our Lord Jesus Christ was not to make converts but rather to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). A convert or believer looks forward to receive from our Lord Jesus Christ but a disciple looks forward to give and truly follow in the footsteps of Christ. Of course, we all do know that no one can live the Christ-life except as Christ lives within us (Galatians 2:20) but the key is that 'Christ DOES live through us." Many who called themselves Christians are not interested in Christ living in them or being like Christ rather all they want is the benefits of Christianity.

When people wanted to follow after Christ saying that he would follow him wherever He goes, Jesus immediately pointed to the cost of following Him (Luke 9:57-62).To one Jesus reminded that He the Son of man had nowhere to lay His head upon, to another Jesus said that He is to let the dead bury the dead and to yet another Jesus said that no one, having put his hand upon the plow looking back, is fit for the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said that to be a disciple one must neither just look at the benefits of following Him, nor be involved in activities of the spiritually dead, nor be looking back and longing after the things of this life or the world. Indeed, those who love the world or the things of the world do not have the love of the Father in their lives (1 John 2:15-16). Indeed, when Jesus spoke of discipleship, He expects that those who chose to follow Him would have love for Him so great that in comparison of their love for Christ to those of their father, mother, wife, children, brother, sister, and their own life, too, it would be equivalent to hate! (Luke 14:26). For those who can't raise their love for Jesus to that level, Jesus considers that they cannot be His disciples.

To Jesus a disciple is one who can bear the cross (Luke 14:27). What is it to bear one's cross? Jesus illustrated it with the cost of discipleship as of a builder who counts the cost and as king who counts the cost. There is a cost of discipleship. The cost of discipleship is the cross - which represents the placing of our whole spirit, soul and body as a sacrifice to God and Jesus. The cross was Jesus giving His life for us; our personal cross is we giving our lives to God and to others. At the heart of discipleship is the love of God. Without the love of God, we cannot be disciples. God so loved the world that He gave His Son (John 3:16). Jesus so loved us that He gave Himself to us (Romans 5:5-8). As disciples we continue in the same flow of God's love and love others the same way Jesus loved (John 13:34-35). A true disciple of Christ is a disciple of God's and Christ's love.

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- 羅馬書8:14-26釋經講道 -


Part 1: http://www.4shared.com/file/231877999/b680da67/Glad_Tidings_for_Past_Present_.html

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Excerpt Taken from Fatherly Talk

The Lifestyle of Humility

Dearly Beloved,

Having analysed various areas and people of humility in the Bible, we look at the application of humility in our daily lives. There are always differences of methodology between the humble and the proud. Jesus is the full personification of what the way of humility is. He chose the birth in the manger, chose to live humbly in a carpenter family when he could have been born to the elite or to royalty. He was an expert in all the Scriptures even at age twelve but chose not to be identified among the educated Pharisees but rather was identified among the working class; himself working as a carpenter until the age of thirty. When He ministered in His home town, people familiar with His natural life questioned how a carpenter could be the Messiah (Mark 6:2). Throughout His ministry, He had the upper class included among His followers but He is more known to associate with the common people and despised people (Luke 7:34). At His death on the cross for us, He was hung among thieves and robbers although a rich man gave His tomb for Jesus.

Contrast this with the modern pastor who desires to join the elite clubs, drive the best cars, live in the best mansions, wear the most expensive clothes and associate with the famous, high and mighty of society. Jesus did have many followers who were high up in society ministering to him and opening their homes to Him but He kept His balance in associating with the lowest of society and being available to them. Contrast this with ministers who have body guards, behave like Hollywood stars and become totally inaccessible to the man or woman on the street. What has our modern Christianity come to? We have ended up becoming the modern Pharisees who loved the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogue, being greeted and adulated and acknowledged by all of society (Matthew 23:6-8). In place of teaching the Bible, we have shallow oratory; in place of miracles, we have expensive programs; in place of prayer, we have social gatherings. What has our modern Christianity come to?

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福音短講 + 見證詩歌

第一響砲: http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/2/1/2746653/001_A_004_George%20Hou_100214_001_2010_02_14.mp3

第二響砲: http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/2/1/2746653/001_A_005_George%20Hou_100214_001_2010_02_14.mp3

第三響砲: http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/2/1/2746653/001_A_006_George%20Hou_100214_001_2010_02_14.mp3

PowerPoint: http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/2/1/2746653/Chinese%20New%20Year.ppt

使用動畫短片: http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/8/22/180382/About%20Jesus.swf

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梁小妹也穿超可愛紅色新年裝扮, 特別漂亮的造型

這個小張清芳, 唱歌有生命、豐富宜人的感情是最大特色!

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Dearly Beloved,

The Scriptures are full of the stories of men and women whom God breakdown from the altar of pride and produced in their lives an exemplary life of humility. Moses was such a man in the Old Testament and in the New Testament we have the apostle Paul. Paul (formerly named Saul) grew up in a privilege background. He was brought up at the feet of the foremost scholars of his time, Gamaliel, and rose to be a Pharisee (considered by secular society of that time to be the top rank in society) and possibly even to be part of the Sanhedrin council (Acts 22:3). He was a brilliant man who excelled beyond his contemporaries (Galatians 1:14).

There is no doubt that Saul, Paul's name before his conversion, was a very proud and religious man. He was instrumental in obtaining letters from the high priest to persecute and pursue the Christians (Acts 9:1-2). He was the man behind the death of Stephen and all the persecution of the Christians, for when he was converted, the persecution ceased (Acts 7:58; 8:3; 9:31). Paul, himself, admits that he was a persecutor, a blasphemer and an insolent man (1 Timothy 1:13). The root word "hubristes" from which the word "insolence" is translated speaks of one who is violent and who insults others. Paul was like a gangster and a big bully – all symptoms of an over-inflated ego and pride uncontrolled. He wanted to dominate and subjugate others to his thinking and beliefs. God cannot use him until he is broken.

Like a wild horse that is no use to the owner, Paul was no use to God until he was broken. An unbroken wild horse will not do what the master wants nor be willing to go where the master wants it to go; it must be broken first. In analysing the details of the breaking down of a man or horse, it is not the spirit that needs to be broken but rather the stubborn will. Break the will but not the spirit; this principle applies to bringing up a child in the ways of the Lord. The spirit of the horse or man that loves adventure, that is brave, that is courageous, that is persistent, etc.; all these good qualities must be preserved otherwise the horse or man loses the uniqueness that God has gifted the individual.

In the Old Testament, it speaks about the breaking of the spirit – a broken and contrite spirit God will not despise (Psalm 34:8; 51:17). It also speaks of a broken heart. Surely God does not want us to go around with a broken heart but a heart healed and whole. The Old Testament has two great differences from the new: firstly, the concept of the tripartite man (spirit, soul and body) is neither clearly revealed nor expressed and secondly, the concept of the new spirit (which must not be broken) was reserved for the New Testament era possible only in Christ. It is such that in the Old Testament, when it speaks about anger, which is a product of the soul and not the spirit, it uses the word "ruach" or spirit rather than "soul" (nephesh) (Proverbs 16:32; 19:11; 25:28; Ecclesiastes 7:9). Yet at the same time the Old Testament advocates a wholeness of spirit as being an important part of one's attributes to health and life (Proverbs 15:13; 17:22). Surely, it is not the will of God that one goes around with a sad sorrowful spirit that causes sicknesses or a broken spirit that dries the bones. We need to understand that the Old Testament has a way of using the word "ruach" translated "spirit" in a general sense like that of the English language. For example, when we use the phrase that the "spirit of a place is depressing" or that "the person has a wrong spirit," we do not necessarily mean that there are demons involved or a person is possessed. Rather it could be used in reference to the attitudes of a society or community or a person; which strictly speaking and technically, would be more a soul quality rather than a spirit quality. In Aramaic which was literally translated into Greek, Jesus said to His disciples, who wanted to call down fire on a village that rejected Him, that they do not know what spirit they are of (Luke 9:55-56). The problem was not in their spirits but it was in their judgmental and anger-vengeance type personality of their soul. And remember, that one of them was John, the disciple whom Jesus loved. So we can definitely surmise that the fiery temper of John had been broken and conquered before God used him to be the apostle of love. Thus we can conclude that the Bile usage of the word "spirit" especially in the Old Testament sometimes refers to attitudes and perceptions of people's souls and technically not their spirit per se.

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