猴媽上《我可能不會愛你》片尾之三行情語 (第6集、第9集)

目前分類:他們的詩詞言語 (63)

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美國詩人  羅勃.佛洛斯特:沒有走的路
Robert Frost's known poem: The Road Not Taken


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2006-03-17 08:34 Posted.

猴媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hunter Adams. You've been accused of practicing medicine without a license.
That's a very grave charge, son. Are you aware that it's unlawful to practice medicine without a medical license?

Yes, sir, I am.

Are you aware that running a medical clinic without the proper licensing... can place both you and the public... in a great deal of danger?

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