Exceeding Joy
I have found exceeding joy
Jesus answered when I called
This name that has saved me
Pure love that embraced me
Mercy, grace eternal life
Brought from darkness to His light
While lost in my sin He
Raised me and made me live
My soul magnifies the Lord
My heart joys in God my saviour
For He lifts the lowly
He's done great things for me
I will sing, praising evermore
He is mighty and Holy is His name
I will lift my head up high
Praising Jesus through each trial
Though I have not seen Him
I love Him completely
He is mighty, mighty
He is mighty, mighty
He is mighty, mighty
He is mighty and holy is His name
From: Hillsong Album: Hope
I'm really glad that Max (one of the church ESL students) came to church last Sunday, just one day before he went back to Taiwan. I didn't know it, I only found out about it when Ps Jonathan told me about it in last Wed's ESL class. He came by himself, that really surprised me, and brought a gift for the ESL students too. May God continue His good and wonderful work in Max's life, to bring him into salvation.