I've never cried so much in my life
But these may be the most meaningful tears I've had
I heard He said I'll cry more
But He also promised me that I'll have much joy
For those who sow in tears shall reap in joy
And to be honest and broken before Him is the way
He said
Love is the best way to learn and learn to love is the best way
He asks me why am I crying
He says if my heart is not pure and sincere
Then that is not His love
He said if I want one hundred percent purity of heart
Then I must learn to see that 0.01% of impurity
Get rid of all selfishness even if it's only 0.01% impure
The best for each one
The encouragement always comes with a promise
The pure in heart shall see God
He says if it's about my own sanctity then I've missed it altogether
True holiness is never an outward religious display
The beauty of holiness is only there when Love is there
When Jesus is there
It's not so much about being "faultless" for all have sinned
It's only when I could see that God loved through all imperfect people completely
That's where true holiness begins
That's when I need to learn more about grace, mercy, compassion and courage
That's when I will know better what it really means to sacrifice without any mixed motives
He said though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned
But have not love it profits me nothing
That's why He said to me if I cry for love
Then go on crying when I feel His heart and people's hearts
Then cry
Keep on crying for love's sake
So now this has become the desire of my heart
When a thousand years have passed
When a thousand times a thousand years
Nay, when eternities upon eternities have passed
I will still be able to say "I love you"
To Him and to all those who are dearly created in His own image
I love you
Addendum: notes from my Facebook:
When love overflows, I know I live to love Him, and love people with exactly the same kind of love.
When love overflows, I am completely undone.
When love overflows, that's when I hear the voice of my Father.
Where there is this kind of pure, selfless, unconditional love flowing, one will find Divinity,
And one will see the face of Jesus.
When love overflows, I am completely undone.
When love overflows, that's when I hear the voice of my Father.
Where there is this kind of pure, selfless, unconditional love flowing, one will find Divinity,
And one will see the face of Jesus.
Status: George is "always in love..."
Hey I like that!!! =)
Hey I like that!!! =)