Sep 2, '07
一個一個都畢業了, 我心裡總是帶著微笑含著淚送他們. 我總是送人走的那一位, 祝福他們的前程, 真的很光明美滿. 而我會一直在的, 陪著他們走過一切, 我要每一個都能畢業, 這樣結業式時我在不在場也無所謂了. 我會忠心到最後, 送走最後一個我才離開, 因為我被牧養我一生之久的榜樣感動了, 深深感動了. 不用太複雜, 就是這個樣子.
Sep 6, '07
謝謝你, 我會努力的.「任何人不能阻止我對你的好」, 這是我單純的願望.
Sep 9, '07
One of my dreams is to be able to lift up my bride during our wedding! Having a small stature, this is actually quite a challenge to me!
So let's work out and work hard George!!! =)
Sep 10, '07
May I take their stumbling and suffering, and they the resurrection of hope and life.
A few days ago while waiting on God, I felt these words impressed in my heart in Mandarin, "起來", which means to "stand up, or arise." I understood what it meant.
It's the same passage:
"And the angel of the Lord came back the second time, and touched him, and said, 'Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you.'" (1 Kings 19:7)
But I believe also to rise up to a new beginning and call to let the world see the grace of God once again.
Keep striving forth by the complete surrendering to the grace and will of God, you will reach your destiny one day with the fullness of the love of Jesus. When one surrenders, it's when the impossible becomes possible.
"求他按著他豐盛的榮耀,藉著他的靈,叫你們心裡的力量剛強--起來--" (Eph 3:16)
And yes, I know He's also alluding to my calves pain that keeps me from standing and using my calves for too long, so no sports, just walking around for the past year. I'm quite grateful now though, the first six months this happened I couldn't even walk around, and sit around because of my hip pain. Much better now, maybe another year. This has always been the way He talks to me, so touching every time. The day I can run again will be very meaningful to me. I will run again for God. I have not regretted this long and very difficult road that He has chosen for me before the foundation of the world. The reason my loving Father has allowed these hardships to come into my life is because the greatest love is felt only in the darkest times, and it's not just about me, but there are a lot of people in this hurting world. Ah... that's the point, that's the point of my Father bringing me through this rigorous training.
Where tears and pain abound, grace and love also abound, much more.
Sep 16, '07
讓我沉倫, 讓他復活.
Sep 19, '07
Sep 23, '07
而我也愛你 所以我也總是可以找到愛人的理由
你所賜的光和熱 再次將這世界染成一片日出般的希望
Sep 24, '07
我想要吃月餅, 就在中秋前一天收到月餅.
有facebook上可愛的月餅禮物, 有學生送的月餅, 有媽買的月餅.
Of all my Bible school courses, theology, history, biblical studies, ministry, I'd like to get the highest mark on the Life of Christ.
It is the very first course that I have completed.
May my life be like that of Christ.
To have the heart, mind, and affection of Jesus Christ.
To walk like He did while on the earth.
To speak the words and do the works of Jesus, and even greater works as He promised.
Most of all,
To pour out Himself and love like Jesus.
Sep 25, '07
再怎麼努力 也沒有週遭的人一半好
因為你是跟昨天, 跟去年, 跟五年前的自己比
想要進步的理由 想要變的更好的理由
你只需要去體驗 去感受
這一被子的每一秒 都會是值得的
Sep 25, '07
I bought a Starbucks coffee drink today. When I got home, I found out that either the cashier didn't scan this item, or somehow it didn't get registered because I remember seeing him going through this item. I also bought two cards. God knows and I know, all the story behind this little incident is too touching for me to describe. Eternity will know. God said this coffee is free. So I pray that this drink would carry the love and presence of Jesus Christ, to whom it will be given, to fill a heart with heavenly warmth during these cold, cold days on earth through the lonely nights. One will not be alone anymore.
I think I can write countless love stories from "little" things like these.
Sep 26, '07
A true unity would result, because it would be a spiritual unity, not organizational or ecclesiastical.
Sep 28, '07
(One of my Bible school forum question). In light of your study on the history of spirituality, describe what you believe to be the "victorious" Christian life.
Scripturally, I believe that a victorious Christian life would be characterized by the exaltation of the virtue of love in one's life. Since Jesus Himself said that the greatest commandments of all are first to love God and then love people (Mark 12:30-31; 1 Cor 13:1-8); therefore, one who lives a life of sincere love would be living a victorious Christian life. Romans 8:37 says that "we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." And three chapters earlier, Paul explained that this love of God is "poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us" when we received Christ (Rom 5:5). Thus, in light of the study of the Scriptures and this course, the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in the victorious Christian life by rooting and grounding a believer firmly in the love of Christ (Eph 3:14-21) and helping him or her to grow in this love daily. When this love foundation is properly in place, the fruit of the Spirit would abound in a believer's life (Gal 5:22-23) and this would in turn undergird all the other aspects of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, such as the gifts of the Spirit mentioned in 1 Cor 12. Whether one defines the "Baptism of the Spirit" as always occurring simultaneously in justification, or a post-regeneration event evidenced by tongues is not the most important issue. Of course, to understand all the details of doctrines and theologies would definitely enhance one's spiritual life considerably; however, in terms of the overall picture, it is not necessary to have all the terms, definitions, and minor elements correct in order to live a victorious Christian life. Just after listing the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Cor 12, Paul went on to explain that if one can speak even the tongues of angels, and have the gift of prophecy, understands all mysteries and knowledge, has mountain-moving faith, and external display of good deeds, but has not love, then he is still NOTHING in the sight of God (1 Cor 13:1-4). This does not mean that we should treat the benefits of charismatic truths and sound doctrines frivolously, and forsake diligence in seeking after renewal in the Spirit, we should never, but it is a matter of priority. The Apostle Paul exhorted us to pursue after love first, and then sound doctrines and spiritual gifts. He elucidated on both love and spiritual gifts in the same Corinthian epistle.
Knowing the Holy Spirit personally and His gifts, anointing and ministry are important assets and marvelous experiences to the Christian life. This knowledge does play a major role in the success of believers in a sense. However, if the pursuit of charismatic theology and practices becomes an end to itself so that the focus is no longer on loving God and people, then it is not a victorious Christian life whatsoever (1 Cor 13:1-4). On the other hand, if love be the sole motive, way, and goal of seeking after the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, then it will profit the lover of God much and he shall live a victorious Christian life by the power of God's love and Spirit. It is, therefore, not an either-gifts-or-love matter, but a both-and call of God with love taking priority over charisma. In conclusion, in the broadest sense, a victorious Christian life is one that is marked with a growing love for Jesus and people continuously. More specifically, this objective would be greatly aided by knowing the Person and work of the Holy Spirit intimately, who is the Spirit of love (Rom 15:30; 2 Tim 1:7).
一個一個都畢業了, 我心裡總是帶著微笑含著淚送他們. 我總是送人走的那一位, 祝福他們的前程, 真的很光明美滿. 而我會一直在的, 陪著他們走過一切, 我要每一個都能畢業, 這樣結業式時我在不在場也無所謂了. 我會忠心到最後, 送走最後一個我才離開, 因為我被牧養我一生之久的榜樣感動了, 深深感動了. 不用太複雜, 就是這個樣子.
Sep 6, '07
謝謝你, 我會努力的.「任何人不能阻止我對你的好」, 這是我單純的願望.
Sep 9, '07
One of my dreams is to be able to lift up my bride during our wedding! Having a small stature, this is actually quite a challenge to me!
So let's work out and work hard George!!! =)
Sep 10, '07
May I take their stumbling and suffering, and they the resurrection of hope and life.
A few days ago while waiting on God, I felt these words impressed in my heart in Mandarin, "起來", which means to "stand up, or arise." I understood what it meant.
It's the same passage:
"And the angel of the Lord came back the second time, and touched him, and said, 'Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you.'" (1 Kings 19:7)
But I believe also to rise up to a new beginning and call to let the world see the grace of God once again.
Keep striving forth by the complete surrendering to the grace and will of God, you will reach your destiny one day with the fullness of the love of Jesus. When one surrenders, it's when the impossible becomes possible.
"求他按著他豐盛的榮耀,藉著他的靈,叫你們心裡的力量剛強--起來--" (Eph 3:16)
And yes, I know He's also alluding to my calves pain that keeps me from standing and using my calves for too long, so no sports, just walking around for the past year. I'm quite grateful now though, the first six months this happened I couldn't even walk around, and sit around because of my hip pain. Much better now, maybe another year. This has always been the way He talks to me, so touching every time. The day I can run again will be very meaningful to me. I will run again for God. I have not regretted this long and very difficult road that He has chosen for me before the foundation of the world. The reason my loving Father has allowed these hardships to come into my life is because the greatest love is felt only in the darkest times, and it's not just about me, but there are a lot of people in this hurting world. Ah... that's the point, that's the point of my Father bringing me through this rigorous training.
Where tears and pain abound, grace and love also abound, much more.
Sep 16, '07
讓我沉倫, 讓他復活.
Sep 19, '07
Sep 23, '07
而我也愛你 所以我也總是可以找到愛人的理由
你所賜的光和熱 再次將這世界染成一片日出般的希望
Sep 24, '07
我想要吃月餅, 就在中秋前一天收到月餅.
有facebook上可愛的月餅禮物, 有學生送的月餅, 有媽買的月餅.
Of all my Bible school courses, theology, history, biblical studies, ministry, I'd like to get the highest mark on the Life of Christ.
It is the very first course that I have completed.
May my life be like that of Christ.
To have the heart, mind, and affection of Jesus Christ.
To walk like He did while on the earth.
To speak the words and do the works of Jesus, and even greater works as He promised.
Most of all,
To pour out Himself and love like Jesus.
Sep 25, '07
再怎麼努力 也沒有週遭的人一半好
因為你是跟昨天, 跟去年, 跟五年前的自己比
想要進步的理由 想要變的更好的理由
你只需要去體驗 去感受
這一被子的每一秒 都會是值得的
Sep 25, '07
I bought a Starbucks coffee drink today. When I got home, I found out that either the cashier didn't scan this item, or somehow it didn't get registered because I remember seeing him going through this item. I also bought two cards. God knows and I know, all the story behind this little incident is too touching for me to describe. Eternity will know. God said this coffee is free. So I pray that this drink would carry the love and presence of Jesus Christ, to whom it will be given, to fill a heart with heavenly warmth during these cold, cold days on earth through the lonely nights. One will not be alone anymore.
I think I can write countless love stories from "little" things like these.
Sep 26, '07
A true unity would result, because it would be a spiritual unity, not organizational or ecclesiastical.
Sep 28, '07
(One of my Bible school forum question). In light of your study on the history of spirituality, describe what you believe to be the "victorious" Christian life.
Scripturally, I believe that a victorious Christian life would be characterized by the exaltation of the virtue of love in one's life. Since Jesus Himself said that the greatest commandments of all are first to love God and then love people (Mark 12:30-31; 1 Cor 13:1-8); therefore, one who lives a life of sincere love would be living a victorious Christian life. Romans 8:37 says that "we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." And three chapters earlier, Paul explained that this love of God is "poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us" when we received Christ (Rom 5:5). Thus, in light of the study of the Scriptures and this course, the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in the victorious Christian life by rooting and grounding a believer firmly in the love of Christ (Eph 3:14-21) and helping him or her to grow in this love daily. When this love foundation is properly in place, the fruit of the Spirit would abound in a believer's life (Gal 5:22-23) and this would in turn undergird all the other aspects of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, such as the gifts of the Spirit mentioned in 1 Cor 12. Whether one defines the "Baptism of the Spirit" as always occurring simultaneously in justification, or a post-regeneration event evidenced by tongues is not the most important issue. Of course, to understand all the details of doctrines and theologies would definitely enhance one's spiritual life considerably; however, in terms of the overall picture, it is not necessary to have all the terms, definitions, and minor elements correct in order to live a victorious Christian life. Just after listing the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Cor 12, Paul went on to explain that if one can speak even the tongues of angels, and have the gift of prophecy, understands all mysteries and knowledge, has mountain-moving faith, and external display of good deeds, but has not love, then he is still NOTHING in the sight of God (1 Cor 13:1-4). This does not mean that we should treat the benefits of charismatic truths and sound doctrines frivolously, and forsake diligence in seeking after renewal in the Spirit, we should never, but it is a matter of priority. The Apostle Paul exhorted us to pursue after love first, and then sound doctrines and spiritual gifts. He elucidated on both love and spiritual gifts in the same Corinthian epistle.
Knowing the Holy Spirit personally and His gifts, anointing and ministry are important assets and marvelous experiences to the Christian life. This knowledge does play a major role in the success of believers in a sense. However, if the pursuit of charismatic theology and practices becomes an end to itself so that the focus is no longer on loving God and people, then it is not a victorious Christian life whatsoever (1 Cor 13:1-4). On the other hand, if love be the sole motive, way, and goal of seeking after the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, then it will profit the lover of God much and he shall live a victorious Christian life by the power of God's love and Spirit. It is, therefore, not an either-gifts-or-love matter, but a both-and call of God with love taking priority over charisma. In conclusion, in the broadest sense, a victorious Christian life is one that is marked with a growing love for Jesus and people continuously. More specifically, this objective would be greatly aided by knowing the Person and work of the Holy Spirit intimately, who is the Spirit of love (Rom 15:30; 2 Tim 1:7).