"To those who have been a blessing to my life, thank you for your encouragement and the helping hand given to me at those critical moments in my life. To those who have strived with me in the past, thank you for the part you played in making me a better person through learning to allow the love of God to triumph in love and forgiveness. To those whom I may have caused hurt, I ask for your forgiveness and may God make each one of us a better more Christlike person for all eternity.
From eternity’s point of view, all our lives are but stories. Stories of our successes and stories of our failures; stories with tears and stories with laughter; stories of joy and stories of pain. But in the end there can and should only be one story. The story of how our Lord Jesus Christ triumphed through all our lives and succeeded in making us all conformed to His image in Christlikeness (Romans 8:28, 29). His Story in us."
I am forever grateful for Papa Father and how He has especially chosen this one for me
I will never be the same
Do you know that?