There will be less sharing on the Word of God (written or audio) during my "pruning period" (John 15) as my life-ministry cycle is at the ending year. But since something surround my leaving Taiwan temporarily, a brief sharing is posted here because in the general Christian population, it seems that a majority tends to easily mix up the issue of "sensing in the spirit" and "discerning the will of God."
"Sensing in the spirit" means someone picks up something with their spirit, whether about themselves or others, or from objects. What they pick up in the spirit may be true, however, it does not equal to God's Will. A classic example can be found in Acts 21, where the disciples told Paul not to go to Jerusalem "through the Spirit" because they sensed danger there in their spirit. This is true, for Paul encountered great difficulty there, and also confirmed by the Prophet Agabus. However, the disciples did not discern between their sensing and God's Will. Or maybe some of them did. Nevertheless, normal human emotions and logic would be to flee from danger, which is very understandable. But Paul knew in his heart that Jerusalem is where God wanted him to go. This was vividly confirmed when the Lord Jesus Himself appeared to him and confirmed this call. Another principle seen here is that the greater the task and trial, the greater the manifestation of God's presence and love to strengthen the called of God.
Most Christians, when praying for God's will, tend to think that what they sense in their heart might be God's call. Sometimes this could be true, but it is not necessary. One can pick up anything anytime, but what he/she senses are only facts (ie if what they sensed was truly from the spirit) and not God's direction in their or others' lives. A practical example would be, when someone prays for a person who is seeking a career field, the person praying picks up the word "music." However, this can mean that God has gifted the person being prayed for with musical ability, or that he/she has something to do with music, but all these facts and interpretation do not necessarily have anything to do with God's specific direction. Certainly, the giftedness in music may have something to do in the person's future career, but it may or may not be so. Only someone who is more mature in the spirit can discern whether what he picks up is a pure fact or God's directional word. Another example would be, someone sensitive in the spirit can usually pick up something when touching an object used constantly by another, such as a pillow. When he sleeps on the pillow, he can sometimes pick up some of the things in the owner's life when sleeping on it, usually via spiritual dreams. However, what he dreams is only a reflection of the spiritual state of the owner, and may not have to do with God's specific word directly.
Hope this would help to clarify, as one of the most often-asked questions in the Christian life is "what is God's will" in all areas of life: family, friendship, ministry, career, marriage, and all the various issues of life.
How one can sharpen their discerning in the spirit (also sensing) are the good old steps of seeking God in worship, the Word, and prayer. Praying in the spirit helps. But more importantly are the meditation on God's Word (Heb 4:12) and more knowledge and understanding of God's eternal, unchanging Word of Truth. Blessings to all.
"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Heb 4:12)
In His Grace and Love.