猴媽上《我可能不會愛你》片尾之三行情語 (第6集、第9集)

目前分類:神の話分享 (95)

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Being in this life, especially those in the ministry, will only make
one to become a more bitter or a loving person. Otherwise, he or she
will simply resign reluctantly but surely to a callous, passionless,
and lukewarm life to be of any usefulness to the world and the Kingdom
of God. Human imperfections and sins make offense inevitable in this
life, but God has temporarily allowed them for the purpose of building
our characters, which is what really matters to Him and to eternity.
For character is the only thing that will remain and continue to grow
when this earthly life-mission concludes (physical death). No wealth or
earthly reputation can be carried over to Heaven (Luke 16:19-31), for

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I. Packer’s Keep in Step with the Spirit: finding fullness in our
walk with God
is a treatise on the Holy Spirit in view of the doctrine of
sanctification and the thriving charismatic movements of the 20th
century and the early years of the 21st century.[i]
The outline of this book review is divided into four major sections:
introduction, description, evaluation, and conclusion. Background information
of the author and the book is provided in the introduction, which includes this
prefatory paragraph. The author’s writing style, the book’s purpose and scope
are also discussed in the introduction. A general overview of the book and a

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A Perspective on Christian Perfection

Since this is only part of
a book review and not a study on “Christian Perfection,” space will not allow
me to thoroughly discuss other approaches to Romans seven and eight and also
some possible definitions of “perfection” in the Bible. But I will attempt to
lay out another Romans 7:14-25 interpretation, in conjunction with Romans
8:1-11, that is different from the book’s (perhaps reveal some of its

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Deere’s best-selling Surprised by the Power of the Spirit is an
exposition of why God still works signs and wonders, and miracles in the church
today from the biblical perspective. The book is intended for both
non-charismatics and charismatics. Deere was a cessationist[1]
who taught at Dallas Theological Seminary as an associate professor of Old
Testament. In the late 1980’s, however, through various encounters, he began an
intense re-study of the Scriptures on the issues surrounding the miraculous
gifts and ministries of the Spirit. As a result, he became convinced that the
supernatural gifts of the Spirit were still valid, and that his former

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Jesus asked her for a drink, and then He used His natural thirst to go on talking
about a spiritual thirst that is present in this woman. This woman, for
whatever reason, tried to hide her feelings from this stranger, a man, a Jew,
of course. But Jesus then went on to reveal her true condition, about her
marriage, and He was so precise to know the details of her life. From here we
see that Jesus was someone who was very, very, extremely approachable. I don’t
know what your idea of God, or Jesus is, but from the Word of God, from His own
Word, we see very unambiguously that God is someone who is very approachable.
In fact, I would say that He is the most approachable person you and I will

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Audience Description and the Message/Topic Rationale

intend to write a word-for-word evangelistic sermon for a typical Sunday
morning service in a church in Vancouver,
Canada, where I

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The prophet is full of the love of Christ, functioned in genuine
prophetic gifts and has, thus, greatly edified a lot of people and many
churches, as he can also teach. His character was Christlike, meek and
lowly in heart, full of the fruit of the Spirit. The ministry wasn't
big, but well established, and the ministry team ministered here and
there faithfully.

In comparison, the evangelist was much, much well-known than the

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Brief Assignment #3

Option E: Paul's Missionary Pattern. Read chapters 9‑20 of Acts. What discernible patterns or strategy do you see that characterized the work of Paul? To what extent are these patterns supposed to be normative for missionary endeavor? (2‑3 pages)

    There are many principles we can learn from Paul and his missionary journeys as detailed in the Book of Acts and other Pauline New Testament passages. God used his life in the Scriptures to show the church how the Great Commission is done the biblical way. First and foremost, Paul had a specific call to world missions (Acts 9:15). While every single Christian is to engage in evangelism (Matt 28:18-20), not everyone is called to fulltime ministries (1 Cor 12). Among those who have been predestined to fulltime ministries, not every individual has a worldwide missionary call (1 Cor 12:5). While most Christians are not called to the missions field, some are. In the broader term, all believers have a unique life-ministry from God. The nature of each believer’s ministry does not determine its overall importance or spiritual impact. No one type is more important than the other, they are just different like oranges and apples (Acts 10:34). Therefore, the first principle in missions is one must be obedient to the particular will of God for him or her in order to be fruitful missionaries. Being fruitful does not imply outward results only, as the spiritual influence can only be properly measured from God and eternity’s perspective (1 Sam 16:7). The true test of spirituality is in the degree of Christlike transformation and not one’s functions or giftings, which originated from God in the first place (Rom 8:29; 1 Cor 13:1-4; Eph 4:7-12). Consequently, only those with a genuine call to mission services should be sent, like the church at Antioch discerned and, thus, sent forth Paul and his missionary team under the directive of the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:1-3). The one who has duly discerned his missions call should then seek for the scope, method, and timing of this call.

    Secondly, there is always a preparation period for those who have a mandate for missions or any other ministries. Paul did not go straight into the mission field right after the born-again experience on the road to Damascus in Acts 9. Instead, he spent a great deal of time in Arabia and then his hometown Tarsus before he engaged in any formal ministries (Gal 1:17; Acts 9:30). Even after he was introduced to the church at Antioch by Barnabas, he did not start as a missionary, but as a teacher (Acts 11:25-26). It was not until Acts 13 that God called him to his first missionary journey under the leadership of Barnabas. All these experiences and time were God’s training courses for him for the work which He had ordained for him. The long preparation served as the underpinning of his lifelong ministry. It is with this solid foundation that he was able to succeed in his three missionary journeys and all that God had called him to do. One cannot bypass the preparation and expect to be ready for the demands, challenges, and the success of the ministry. Therefore, those who confirm a missions call of God, they should pray and examine themselves with God’s help to see if they are ready at their present state, or more preparation is required before being commissioned officially. The quality of the work will always be determined by the worker. God values the spiritual cleanliness of the vessel much more than the vocation or need, so should the Church of Jesus Christ (1 Cor 13:1-4; 2 Tim 2:20-21).

    The third principle from the life of Paul as a missions minister is in his strategy to reach to those who already have a greater spiritual appetite. Paul always went into the local synagogues wherever he arrived to preach the Word of God (Acts 13:14; 17:10; 19:8). The Jews are those who already have a religious background and a propensity for spiritual matters. When the Jews at large had rejected Paul’s message, he went to those Gentiles who have a high interest and hunger for the truths (Acts 13:46-48). The fact that the Holy Spirit prevented his team to minister in Mysia and Bithynia but to Macedonia in Acts 16 shows that God has a time and strategy for each region. The contextual explanation for God’s forbidding the former places and leading to the latter with the famous Macedonian vision is because the spiritual field there was ripe for the harvest (Acts 16:6-15). Whatever other reasons God might have, we can at least see the biblical wisdom and common sense in going to those whose hearts are open to the Gospel (Matt 7:6; John 4:35). Hence, the Great Commission of preaching to every creature in every nation in Matt 28 and Mark 16 needs to be balanced by all the other Scriptures in application for each specific case.

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Note: this is one of the assignments that I had to do for my current course, thought to post it since it's kinda practical. It does seem that the most asked question in Christian counseling is "How do I know the will of God for my life?"

Brief Assignment #2

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這本來是一個回信的內容, 我把其中談到關於一些聖靈更新的部分修改刊出來. 也藉機鼓勵這位主裡的朋友, 我和全世界很多人都在為你禱告. 加油!

G12小組模式是一個「方法」(methodology). 這個方法因為能應用一些聖經的原則(principles)所以有它的強處. 但適不適合一間教會就有很多需要考量的. 最重要的當然是神對這間教會的特定心意, 教會會友的國家地區文化, 聚會人數, 人力物力資源等都是, 再怎麼好的方法, 如果沒有辦法貼切的應用到神話語的原則, 長期下來都不會有真正的屬靈果效的, 最壞的情況甚至會有可觀的反效果. 最重要的是抓住背後的屬靈法則來應用在不同的情況裡, 而不是囫圇吞棗的一昧抄襲外在的方法而已, 很多教會或基督徒也很喜歡「趕流行」, 這是沒有必要的. 對每個個別的教會和情況, 需要禱告查驗神的心意, 也許神真的要一個教會使用G12的方法, 也許是部份的實施, 也許這不是神的心意. 不論是什麼方法, G12背後的屬靈原則是強調個人的門徒訓練才是耶穌屬靈餵養和傳福音的模式. 這項原則抓到了, 神可以使用很多不同的方法組合去完成祂對不同教會的特定心意.

關於恩賜和屬靈品行的關係, 沒錯, 是沒有一個絕對性直接的關係的(羅11:29). 因為恩賜是在神的命定裡(predestination)祂主權的賜給不同的人(耶1:5), 和他們屬靈生命的成熟度並沒有完全直接的關係. 但是一個有像耶穌屬靈品格的人, 才能成熟的運用恩賜去使人得著最大的造就(林前8:1), 很多只有恩賜沒有生命的基督徒最終帶來的破壞遠遠超過他恩賜本身的益處的. 聖經這類的例子如舊約的參孫和掃羅(但參孫最後有悔改--來11:32). 而且這樣的人通常最後他們的恩賜也會被自己不成熟的生命而扭曲(士16:20), 無法真正的帶給神國益處. 如一個貪心有控制行為的人亂用他的恩賜, 在他生命的恩賜也許是真的, 但他的恩賜並沒有帶來助力, 甚至會絆倒許多人. 當然沒有人是完全的, 但一個人的心是最重要的(請參我的「第四個異夢 -- 耶和華不像人看人」之網誌). 無心的過犯和軟弱誰沒有, 可是當一個人的心和動機不對, 長期下來他的恩賜也會再沒有辦法補償他所帶來的損失(林前13:1-4).

從神的角度, 祂看重一個人的屬靈生命遠超過一個人的恩賜(林前13). 因為恩賜是祂主權給的, 但一個人的靈命卻是需要很多的愛去薰陶煉淨和破碎的. 一個人到底「屬不屬靈」絕對不是以恩賜來衡量的, 而是以一個人的愛有多少(弗3:18-19). 有豐富恩賜的保羅說:「我若有先知講道之能, 也明白各樣的奧秘, 各樣的知識, 而且有全備的信, 叫我能夠移山, 卻沒有愛, 我就算不得甚麼」(林前13:2). 耶穌說最大的誡命是愛神愛人, 再沒有比這兩條誡命更大的了(可12:29-31). 當然恩賜還是很重要, 只是雖然很多教會和基督徒口裡承認生命比恩賜重要, 但實際行出來的很多時後還是相反的. 如果一個很有先知恩賜的人卻一點也沒有基督的性情, 還是會收到很多教會的邀請函, 但其實在神的眼中和聖經的角度看, 這些有大恩賜卻沒有很多愛的人, 在天國裡是很小的(約壹4:8). 在天堂裡有很多很多令人非常驚愕的事, 就是很多在世人眼中看似屬靈的巨人, 其實在神眼中並不是, 很多名不見經傳的「小」弟兄姊妹在天國裡卻是那些最靠近神的(撒上16:7).

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這是以前有朋友問關於再洗(重洗)和選擇教會的問題, 我把它部分的刊登分享:



 基本上「受」是個內心改變的外在表明 (西2:11-23). 在馬可16:16, 耶穌說「信而受的必然得救.不信的必被定罪。」. 是先相信後才受. 當然你也知道不是一定要受才會得救, 因為後面說「不信的」必被定罪, 而不是「沒受的」. 所以重點是那個「相信」, 而不是受, 「受」只是因著心裡的相信的一個外在表現. 而一個真正相信願意跟隨基督的人, 照理也是會願意受的, 因為那也是耶穌的一個教訓. 從整本聖經來看, 我們也知道得救是憑信心, 而不是行為. 這就是為什麼一般教會會比較認為, 如果一個人當初受的時候, 並不是非常了解救恩的真理及涵意, 但在來教會一段時日後被更多光照, 內心有真正的悔改, 對於基督有了真正的相信委身, 那到時候要不要一次就不是那麼的重要了, 因為重要的是那個心的改變和重生, 而不是水禮, 所以如果之前有受過, 就不用一遍了. 但當然如果當事人自己主動要求想要一次, 也是ok的. 所以我是認為神所「認定」的主要是那個心靈的重生悔改 (西2:11-23), 而不是之前受本身的這個禮儀. 如果一個人因著真實相信, 後來又一次, 那神所認定的, 也是他的心的改變, 而不是那個次的禮的本身. 當然理想上最好是在(第一次)受前就是真正的重生, 然後受. 在這種情況下, 受就有很多意義, 好處, 和實質的屬靈影響. 所以最好是在一個人初次受前, 就能很確定他是真的已經相信得救. 如果覺得還沒, 也沒關係, 因為重點是在那個人有沒有先經歷神的愛, 和他和神有沒有建立一個良好關係, 而不是有沒有受. 所以可以鼓勵他, 不用急著受, 慢慢來, 告訴他神最在乎的是他能經歷耶穌的愛, 而不是受的本身. 通常一個人在真的有經歷後, 他也是會主動要求的. 不過這裡有一個問題, 那就是沒有人能每次在每個人身上都能100%的確定一個人是否有真實的相信. 即使一個有對救恩真理有無誤的知識的人, 有固定來教會, 也不能就保證這個人是真正的真實相信, 因為只有神知道人的心. 相反的, 有時一個人也許在用詞和理性認知上不是對救恩有百分百的徹透了解, 但有真實的相信接受耶穌, 那個人就是得救的. 例如和耶穌一同釘十架的其中一個囚犯, 就真實悔改了, 他肯定對救恩的神學認知上很淺, 也沒有機會受, 但卻是會與耶穌同在樂園的. 我不是說受不重要或是就不需要了, 受有它的意義在的, 只是受是在於一個心靈的重生後, 才有意義的. 就像有些人是在信主一段時日後, 基於一些理由都沒受, 但後來因著生命有更多的改變經歷神, 後來就會要求受了. 對於這類的弟兄姊妹, 可以跟他解釋受的意義和鼓勵他受, 但不需要給他任何壓力一定要馬上受. 這個是因為有時太看重受這個禮儀時, 反而會模糊信徒, 慕道友, 及非基督徒對救恩觀念和追求神的焦點. 所以一般來說, 教會不會要求人, 只要一個人有受過, 然後他對神的認知上和自我的生命改變上有長進, 那就好了.

來我們看在選擇委身哪間教會的考慮因素裡, 「受」的這個觀念立場的地位. 因為禮的教義不是個舉足輕重的基要真理 (如三位一體), 所以其實要更加考慮的是其他更重要的方面 (只要他們不是教導要受才能得救, 或是用一種很強硬的態度過分要求人一定要). 除了在基要真理上ok (聖經無誤, 因信稱義, 三位一體, 耶穌的神性和人性等), 我個人認為一個好教會要是個要有愛的教會 (林前13:1-8). 有好的弟兄姊妹真實的會關心彼此, 有年齡不會差太多的弟兄姊妹可以互相交流扶持. 最好的是還有好的聖經教導, 能餵養羊群, 才能有實質的靈命成長. 所以一個教會的領袖團隊是關鍵. 一個充滿愛, 憐憫, 體貼包容的領袖群會關心你, 一個能教導聖經真理的領袖群會使你在靈性上成熟長大. 然後有弟兄姊妹的鼓勵扶持, 這就是一個蠻不錯及討神喜悅的教會. 至於其他次要方面像是是否說方言, 禮等, 就比較沒關係了. 當然, 最好的情況是能在各方面都兼顧的教會, 也有深度教導操練及平衡看待一些聖靈恩賜的環境, 講授聖靈的工作, 聖靈的和恩膏, 說翻方言, 預言啟示的領域, 作異夢看異象, 醫病趕鬼等, 不過這樣全方位的教會的確不多. 所以在作選擇時, 我是認為還是「愛和關係」放第一, 只要他們不是完全否定及極度排斥一些聖經靈恩教導就好. 不過我能了解, 如果能找到一間有愛又有在聖靈更新上的教會, 那會是理想的.

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June 8, 2008

The Presence of Jesus Christ (With Notes on the Five Spiritual Senses)


It is necessary to establish the fact that just as we have the natural five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, we as spiritual beings also have five spiritual senses of spiritual sight, spiritual hearing, spiritual touch, spiritual smell, and spiritual touch (Heb 5:14). God being Spirit can see and hear etc., we as spirits created in the image of God certainly have spiritual senses as well (Gen 1:27). Angels are spirit beings who can definitely sense the worlds around them with their senses, whether they are God's good angels or the fallen angels (Matt 24:31; 25:41). Demons as spirits also still have their spiritual senses fully intact and functional (Matt 8:29). When we enter into the Spiritual World, our physical bodies are left on the earth to rot, but surely we will still be able to see and hear in Heaven (Matt 17:3). In the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16 that Jesus told, He described what happened to them after their earthly lives have ended and they entered into the Spiritual Realm in Hades (note however that this was pre-resurrection, so saints who passed away now do not go into the good part of Hades but straight to the heavenly realms--Matt 27:50-53). Both the rich man and Lazarus could still see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. In fact, their senses were even acuter in the spiritual dimension (Luke 16:24). Paul sometimes call our spirits the "inner man" (Eph 3:16), or the "inward man" (Rom 7:22; 2 Cor 4:16), or simply talk about us being "spirits" plainly (Rom 1:9). Technically, we don't just have spirits, but we are spirits, that have a soul, and live in a physical body (1 Thess 5:23; Heb 4:12). That is why Paul and Peter referred to our physical body as only a "tent" in which we, as spirits, take residence in (2 Cor 5:1, 4; 2 Pet 1:13-14). Having established this truth from the Scriptures, the reason why many cannot seem to function in their spiritual senses is because their spirits are not well-trained. All Christians, even non-Christians, can tap in the inherent ability of the five spiritual senses, but they need to be developed as just babies need to develop their natural five senses in the process of growing. However, this spiritual growth is not automatic, it can only be cultivated through prayer, meditation of the Word, worship, and impartation from other men and women of God. This is why the author of Hebrews, through the Holy Spirit, stated and exhorted believers that "solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil" (Heb 5:14). The context and common biblical interpretation rule tell us that the "senses" here is definitely not referring to the natural five senses but the spiritual five senses. In fact, we only derive our natural five senses from our five spiritual senses--the spiritual always comes first before the physical (Heb 11:3; also e.g. God is Spirit and He can see, hear and smell etc., although we understand His "senses" are much different and greater than ours). Furthermore, just as many have a better natural sense such as sight over the other senses, the quality of our spiritual senses also differ from person to person in the will of God, but all senses can be developed. Some may have better spiritual sight, for some, it may be spiritual hearing. It is just different, neither sense is considered better than the other. For those who function easier with their spiritual eyesight, they tend to see visions and dream dreams. Those who hear spiritually more often, they tend to "know" or "hear" or "pick up" the voice or leading of the Lord and they don't necessarily see all the various types and categories of visions (but all Christians can develop all the spiritual senses).

Lastly, the particular gift of discerning of spirits in 1 Cor 12:10 is a gift of the Holy Spirit, and not synonymous with the common ability of our spiritual senses to sense the Spiritual World. The gift of discerning of spirits only works as the Spirit wills, just like all the other nine gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:11). However, we can always train our spiritual senses and this inherent spiritual quality is not restricted to some but all believers who exercise their spiritual senses. It's just like all can pray and believe for healing, but not all have the definite gifts of healings of the Spirit, which is something that was foreordained by God and not us (1 Cor 12:9, 11). The word "discerning" in the gift of discerning of spirits mean to "discern" into the Spiritual World. Those who function in this particular gift also "discern" differently. Some with their spiritual sight, some with hearing, some with other senses. The difference between this gift working and the normal exercise of our spiritual senses is in the different levels of anointing and authority. A detailed sharing on this is not the scope of this article, but a general understanding is presented here to differentiate them to help us not be confused with questions such as whether only some can sense the Spirit World. The answer is simply everyone can. The more we develop them through prayers, meditation of His Word, worship, we'll be able to better discern spiritually. The only caution is we always need confirmations and not presume that something we sense is accurate or real. We check by the Word and time. Sometimes it could be just our heads, that would be more in the realm of soul and natural senses and not spiritual sensing. The balance is believe what the Scripture teaches and step out by faith, but at the same time keep oneself in check by God's Word, time, and a heart that is teachable and humble. The purpose of all sharing and experiences is, of course, love.

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The Beauty of the Lord's Voice -- by Pastor Peter Tan

Dear Beloved

The Voice of the Lord is a spiritual voice and can only be receive by our spirit beings. Only spirit can contact Spirit, only soul can contact soul, and only body can contact body. Before the fall, Adam and Eve must have delighted in hearing the voice of God in the Garden but immediately after the fall the same voice that has brought joy and comfort, now brought him fear (Genesis 3:8,10). The Hebrew word 'voice' is the word 'qol' which sometimes has been translated 'sound.' It is possible to hear a sound without necessarily hearing and understanding the voice (Of course, if it is a spiritual sound, only spiritual ears can hear although to the hearer it might sound as if it is just a natural noise).

When Jesus was baptized in water, there was a voice from God that declared Him as His beloved Son but most likely only John saw vision and heard the voice of God (Luke 3:22; John 1:32-33). When a voice answered Jesus as He prayed, some people near Him heard it as a thunder, others heard something without understanding and said that an angel had spoken (John 12:28-29). When Paul was down under a vision on the road to Damascus, He heard the voice and instruction of the Lord but all those around him heard a voice (sound) but did not understand anything (Acts 9:7; 22:9). All these events were supernatural events which affected the surrounding people differently depending on their own spiritual development in God.

1.       We are promised the leading of the Holy Spirit everyday (John 14:17-18,26)

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May 17, 2008

For every move and stirring of God, we should always examine it in light of the principles of His Word, the specific leadings of His Spirit, and also taking into account the lessons we can learn from 2,000 years of church history, especially revival history. The recent Florida Lakeland revival (if one calls it a "revival") deserves a more balanced view. J. Lee Grady has provided a balanced view as pasted below that is generally right on target.

I have personally attended Todd Bentley's meetings and have come in touch with many of his materials (sermons and messages) and can confirm some of the things Grady mentioned are worthy of attention and spiritual discernment. In general, I do not doubt the validity of the salvation and miracles as a result of the meetings, and the tremendous passion, zeal, and sincerity that Todd has for the Lord. It is a Christian quality lacking in many parts in the Body of Christ today. This holy passion and desire is an example in dire need to be followed and practiced by churches, ministers, and believers. I also believe that the spiritual encounters that Todd has are bona fide, however, his interpretation and application of them probably need to be more grounded in the Word of God and the character of His love for edification. There is nothing wrong with communing with angels, for people of God have talked with angels throughout the Bible (e.g. Gabriel talked with Zacharias, Mary, and Daniel; the company of angels told the shepherds in the wilderness to look for Jesus etc.). But it is altogether a different thing than actively seeking guidance, communication, and revelation from angels directly, as all attention should be on God, Jesus Christ, and not on the angelic messengers. All those who have truly encountered and communed with angels will know that they do not want humans to shift their attention away from Jesus to them. It is true that angelic beings are the primary means in which God's work on earth are carried out under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, including delivering revelation and truth. Therefore, it is a balanced view, mannerism, and the correct methods and teachings that we need in order to not overly exaggerate and shun extremities. Past church revival history has taught us this very well.

The vision I had last night was concerning Todd and the current situation. I saw Todd sitting in a person's (who I know in reality) car backseat, Someone (who I also know in reality) was sitting beside the driver's seat, no one was driving. The car was going out of the garage (somehow without a driver), and Todd wanted to drive and take control. But he seemed without a proper car license, or at least without the proper car insurance coverage and the owner's permission since he was driving someone else's car. The person beside the driver's seat halted him because Todd was very eager to take the wheels that did not belong to him nor was he given allowance.

One main message of this vision is that he needs to be careful not to step over the boundary that he was not predestined to. He is called to be a mighty evangelist, but definitely not a teacher or pastor (Eph 4:11). If you remember the case with William Branham well, he was such an anointed prophet and evangelist, but when he wanted to become a fivefold teacher, he fell into errors and false doctrines. Soon his life and ministry were dissolved. Here is some discretion for all ministers and believers. It is critical to know what you have been called to do, and what you have not been called to function in. Furthermore, there is always an order of the offices if one is called to more than one fivefold ministry. Two persons may both be called as pastors and teachers, but for one, he may be first a teacher, then a pastor, for the other, he may be called firstly to a pastor, and secondly a teacher. Paul was called first as an apostle, evangelist, then teacher. The order may be different for a time in different phases of one's life, nevertheless, one needs to discern and be obedient to stay in the functions and priorities ordained by God. Lastly, this is only talking about gifts and callings measured to a person sovereignly by God before the foundation of the world (of course the responsibilities to grow within that measure is our own and not God's), and not one's spirituality. This is discussed in much more detail in my fourth dream vision on how the Lord does not see as man sees. The greatest is still love demonstrated in a person and not gifts (1 Cor 13:1-8).

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第四個異夢 -- 耶和華不像人看人


這是聖靈所啟示第四個關於同一件事的異夢, 一件我本來沒有要刻意去尋求明白的事. 很多事情非常的錯綜複雜, 不是光看外表或是隨便聽信一般流傳的話就能正確看透的. 有時是因為所知不全了解不深, 有時是因為背後有人情利益上的操縱, 往往會誤導許多人對於事情真相的全盤認識和模糊了中心焦點. 還有到底神是如何看待整件事而不是人如何看待才是重點. 只有透過全知又全智的上帝的幫助, 藉著聖經的話語和聖靈的特別啟示才能知道神真正的心意和祂對相關人事物的評估 -- 只有祂的判決才是正確純淨的. 神主動給了這些看見, 為要彰顯祂的觀點和公義. 前三次的異象我有了解大意, 事情也照著所看見的發生了. 但這第四個異夢需要特別的分享說明, 因為帶出了一些重要的信息, 不只單是對於所提相關之事, 更要闡明祂的公正和看事情的角度是如何與人大相徑庭. 從一開始我都是被動的領受, 因為根本沒打算花太多時間在與自己沒有太大關係的人與人之是是非非上. 但神卻要我在會影響很多人的事件上, 必須去注意和勸勉, 即使和我本身沒有什麼直接的關聯.

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The proper biblical understanding of women’s place in the ministry has been in intense debates among evangelicals in modern times. In general, there are two major views on this subject: complementarian and egalitarian. Although there are nuances of beliefs and methods of applications within each camp, they do represent the two prevalent perspectives on women’s role in ministry today. This research paper will attempt to show that neither view is entirely correct or incorrect. Both men and women are equal in their inherent worth before God, and both gender can function in all the ministerial positions in Christ with a calling, and that within a marriage context, the husband and wife have different roles.


Women’s Role in Ministry

            It is fundamental to establish women’s personhood before discussing their roles in the church. In the Genesis creation account, both “male and female” were created “in the image of God” (Gen 1:27).[i] Therefore, men and women have equal spiritual status and value, before the same Creator who “shows personal favoritism to no man” (Gal 2:6; 3:28), although there are definite qualitative differences between the masculine and feminine bodies and spirits. Both complementarian and egalitarian concur with the equal intrinsic worth of both sexes. However, complementarian, such as Piper, Grudem and Schreiner, believe that women are prohibited from fulfilling certain functions in the church.[ii] These offices may vary from individual complementarian, but usually include pastoral positions such as pastors, elders (presbyters), overseers, bishops, and apostolic and prophetic offices.[iii] The main supporting texts are 1 Cor 11:1-16, 14:34-35 and 1 Tim 2:9-15.[iv] Egalitarians, on the other hand, believe that these passages need to be interpreted against the specific culture and setting of Paul’s day; not every verse is to be taken literally as universal commands, as this would violate hermeneutical principles. The Scriptures, therefore, places no restrictions on women being pastoral ministers in the Body of Christ.[v]

            In regard to First Corinthians 11:1-16, the words translated as “man” and “woman,” aner and gune, are also the words for “husband” and “wife.”[vi] The context concerning “honor” and the reference to Adam and Eve, who are marriage partners, show that “husband” and “wife” are the better translation.[vii] There are no Scriptures indicating that every man is the “head” of every woman, but Eph 5:23 is an unambiguous verse on the headship of the husband. Whatever the meaning of this headship is, which will be discussed later, it is clear that it makes much more biblical sense to limit this headship within the marriage context only. It is also not very difficult to see that the head covering in this passage is only a cultural constraint particular to the Corinthian Church during Paul’s time,[viii] for he did not command any other churches to follow suit. Moreover, nowhere in the Bible do we find a direct relationship between outward physical adornment and a believer’s sanctity (cf. 1 Sam 16:7). The principles behind the customs of the day are good Christian witness through proper order and submission, which are applicable across all ages. If complementarians do not require women or wives to wear head coverings in the church, but explained it as something culturally conditional, then the headship of aner over gune must also be interpreted in the context of the passage. Thus, if it is not referring to a man’s authority over women in church functions, sound exegetical rule does not allow room for prohibiting women in certain ministry offices from this passage.

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Wives’ Role in Marriage and Family

            In terms of women’s place within the marriage framework, however, an egalitarian view errs in interpreting everything in Scriptures as culturally conditioned. Galatians 3:28 does not apply to a marriage because, in God’s definition, a proper marriage consists of exactly a male and a female. It is still true that men and women are equal in their spiritual standing and functions in the ministry, but their roles in the family are different. They have different soul qualities and inherent spiritual masculinity and femininity (1 Pet 3:7). In both First Corinthians 11 and First Timothy 2, Paul’s appeal to the order of creation, namely Adam was created first, and then Eve was created from Adam subsequently as a comparable helper and companion, is not a cultural phenomenon (Gen 18:25). For this reason, the “husband is head of the wife” (Eph 5:23). It is imperative to note that Adam and Eve are of a marriage relationship, thus, the headship can only be practiced within a family context, not in the ministry or in the world. In the very beginning in the Garden of Eden, where everything was ideal and perfect, untainted by sin or any human civilization after the Fall, this is the order that God has set. The fact that Eve was created after Adam and also as “a helper” suggests that the husband is indeed the head in the matrimony, for God could have created both of them at the same time or not have called Eve a helper to Adam. However, both of them were given the same responsibility of tending the garden and having dominion over all things, implying that both men and women’s service qualifications are equal (Gen 1:28-31).

            There have been strong debates on what being the “head,” kephale, of the wife actually means. Greek lexicons, such as Thayer’s, simply states that it means the “chief, prominent; of persons, master Lord: of a husband in relation to his wife.” Strong’s explains kephale as “the head, literally or figuratively.” Piper and Grudem rightly define it as follows:[i]

“In the home, Biblical headship is the husband’s divine calling to take primary responsibility for Christlike leadership, protection, and provision. Headship does not prescribe the details of who does precisely what activity. After the Fall, God called Adam to account first (Gen 3:9). This was not because the woman bore no responsibility for sin, but because the man bore primary responsibility for life in the garden—including sin.”[ii]

            The husband should be the leader of his family. Certainly this in no way denotes an autocratic leadership style, because the husband’s leadership role is limited within the confines of the Scriptures. Just as the command for children to obey their parents in the Lord, meaning not just to blindly follow even beyond biblical standards (Eph 6:1). In a similar way, wives need not adhere to anything from their husbands that is unambiguously outside of the Word of God, although a proper respect should still be demonstrated. It also does not mean whenever a wife disagrees with her husband, she should raise her voice and put down her husband angrily while quoting Scriptures. The Lord’s love and wisdom are necessary in every Christian marriage relationships; sometimes a compromise is better than outright objections. After all, neither the husband nor the wife is infallible; thus, each case has to be considered on its own merits. This is why Paul also commands through the Spirit before admonishing the wife’s role that all Christians should “[submit] to one another in the fear of God” (Eph 5:21). This mutual submission is a sense of respect for everyone regardless of gender. The leadership role of the husband does not signify that the wife should listen every time, on the contrary, husbands may gain greatly if they would heed their wives in a mutually loving atmosphere and humility. As explained by Piper and Grudem, this leadership role means to “take primary responsibility for Christlike leadership, protection, and provision.” Furthermore, the instruction for husbands is that they should love their wives as “Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her… [and as] their own bodies, [to] nourish and cherish [them], just as the Lord does the church” (Eph 5:25-29). This is no less a command than that which is for the wife, perhaps even a much harder task. In real-life practices, the ideal situation of a husband being the Christlike head might not be possible in some cases. An unbelieving husband or a less spiritually developed husband will not be able to be function in the full capacity in the spiritual leadership role to the wife and/or their children. These scenarios are not synonymous with unhappy marriages, for they can still be fulfilling and rewarding; however, may require more efforts, and likely conflicts, on both the husband and wife. The goal is to help the husband to grow into spiritual maturity to assume the headship responsibility in Christ.[iii] In this imperfect setting, the wife will have to take on the role of the spiritual leader in the home, although she still needs to honor the natural authority vested to the husband. For even in non-Christian marriages, where both parties are not believers, husbands are still the natural head according to the divine order that God has set.

Since the husband is supposed to be the head of the family, and families are the basic fabrics of society, therefore, it seems that male leadership is and should be more common, though women are still qualified for all ministry and secular roles as I have argued before. Consequently, there needs to be a general respect extended towards all men from women, just as it is necessary for men to be extra understanding and caring for all women (1 Pet 3:1-7). This is largely due to the inherent masculine and feminine qualities of spirit, soul, and body that God has fashioned for each sex. Although our imperfect world has exploited this divine make-up of both men and women, as ambassadors of Christ (2 Cor 5:20), it is a Christian mandate to uphold what is biblical and not throw out the baby with the bathwater.

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Greek 2 Timothy 3:10-17 (Nestle-Aland 26 Greek New Testament)

10 su de parhkolouqhsaV mou th didaskalia, th agwgh, th proqesei, th pistei, th makroqumia, th agaph, th upomonh,

11 toiV diwgmoiV, toiV paqhmasin, oia moi egeneto en antioceia, en ikoniw, en lustroiV, oiouV diwgmouV uphnegka: kai ek pantwn me errusato o kurioV.

12 kai panteV de oi qelonteV eusebwV zhn en cristw ihsou diwcqhsontai:

13 ponhroi de anqrwpoi kai gohteV prokoyousin epi to ceiron, planwnteV kai planwmenoi.

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Greek 2 Timothy 3:10-17 (Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament)

10 συ δε παρηκολουθησας μου τη διδασκαλια τη αγωγη τη προθεσει τη πιστει τη μακροθυμια τη αγαπη τη υπομονη

11 τοις διωγμοις τοις παθημασιν οια μοι εγενετο εν αντιοχεια εν ικονιω εν λυστροις οιους διωγμους υπηνεγκα και εκ παντων με ερρυσατο ο κυριος

12 και παντες δε οι θελοντες | ζην ευσεβως | ευσεβως ζην | εν χριστω ιησου διωχθησονται

13 πονηροι δε ανθρωποι και γοητες προκοψουσιν επι το χειρον πλανωντες και πλανωμενοι

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Greek 2 Timothy 3:10-17 (Scrivener Textus Receptus)

10 συ δε παρηκολουθηκας μου τη διδασκαλια τη αγωγη τη προθεσει τη πιστει τη μακροθυμια τη αγαπη τη υπομονη

11 τοις διωγμοις τοις παθημασιν οια μοι εγενετο εν αντιοχεια εν ικονιω εν λυστροις οιους διωγμους υπηνεγκα και εκ παντων με ερρυσατο ο κυριος

12 και παντες δε οι θελοντες ευσεβως ζην εν χριστω ιησου διωχθησονται

13 πονηροι δε ανθρωποι και γοητες προκοψουσιν επι το χειρον πλανωντες και πλανωμενοι

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