Some interesting and notable things for the past two and a half months of 2006:


- Today is Purim, interestingly, the X-ray scan I have tomorrow morning (Barium swallow) requires that I fast fully without food and water for 12 hours before the scan, which is reminiscent of Esther's fast.


- Recently I got rashes all over my hands and feet, and joints, and only at those places, and it happened suddenly. I went to see a new family doctor, he was much better than the previous European doctor. That Euro doctor I suspect had some racial discrimination for the attitude was bordering extreme, no kidding, my mom was there also. Anyhow, just the day before I went to see the new doctor, I read an article via Elijah List which said that God was releasing "angelic" doctors and medical workers.


- Since a long time ago, I don't get "pressed down" and thus unable to move or speak in my sleep anymore. Occasionally, I would still experience it. A while ago, I had that again. Some interesting things are, at first, I could hear like a pig grunting sound above my pillow, but I couldn't move or speak, I thought it was a mouse or something, for I had just changed my mattress the night before. I was afraid that it might came over my face or something, but it lasted a while but didn't. Then I began to commanding it to leave in my heart since I couldn't voice out, probably that guy was sitting on top of my head. But then instead of keep trying to command and speak out like I always do in the past, I had this urge to just get up and overpower it. At first, it was hard, but then slowly I actually got up bit by bit. And I could actually feel that I was putting my hands against the mattress to get up, setting up position etc. After I got up a bit, the thing just left. The weird thing is when I regain full consciousness, I discovered that my body was in the same sleeping position when I first heard the "pig grunt." My conclusion is that it was my spirit man that moved and overcame that thing, because only a spirit being can contact and thus overcame a spirit being (that little demon). So I thank God that my spirit man has grown a bit, let me press on further, I'm not going to be afraid of those little demons who were utterly defeated at Calvary. Hallelujah, praise God!!!


- The couple who hired me to interpret for them took my VanCity pen, they just took it and probably didn't notice it at all.


- Saw a picture of a poker card King one night when I was waiting on God.


- Saw a picture of a man carrying a medium sized (cardboard) box from upstairs to downstairs. This is probably signifying my spirit giving life and healing to my body. This picture came more spontaneous.


- Just the day before my B-day, I saw Patch Adams on TV. And the day before Wayne's B-day, I had a little argument with my mom, and that night I saw "Goku"san and the episode was Xin and his parents.


- A few days ago, I got contact with two old high school friends again: Stanley and Benson. Stanley didn't reply my emails yet, don't know if it's because my mails were classified as junks. Going to Benson's graduate studies oral defence tomorrow at UBC. (March 16: Benson passed the oral defence with a very fine presentation, good for him! Had dinner with a couple of his church friends and brother Aeries, nice ppl. And haven't heard from Stanley yet.)


- The March snow came just in time perfectly for the setting of a sequel of a blog story.


- Watched American Idol these days, there were actually many believers in the top 24, which really shocked me.


- Two separate and distinct words that I sensed and/or being reminded of lately: "Africa" and "martyrdom"... no presumption, prediction and precise interpretation... yet. And of course I could be off, especially Africa. (March 16: the very next day after I've written this blog March 15, I receivecd in my mail a book called "Wounded Continent." Guess what the book is about? Yes, ministries in Africa. It's so strange, I don't even remember asking for the book online, the web address is I know God called me to Taiwan, now what does "Africa" mean? I also recalled the "End of the Spear" martyrdom dream I had, the folks who killed me were natives.) (March 19: Today the refuge family from Tanzania came to our church, and Ps Paul from Nigeria preached the Sunday sermon. There are actually quite a number of black people in my church, which is weird inasmuch as Vancouver is a city that doesn't have many black people. And I suddenly remembered that in the early days when I just came to know the Lord, I once dreamed a dream where I was praying for a black person who was lying down on the floor. He lost his ear, and I covered that spot with my hand and prayed for him, and he was healed, I guess the ear grew back. At that time I didn't know anything about spiritual dreams and divine healing yet. What does all these mean?)



May 25, 2006:


- First 50-day light-taste fast lasted from March 1 2006 to April 19. I remember the first vegi-fast I undertook was in Puli, was intended to be a 40-day one, but could not continue after the 23rd day. This week had a three day light-taste and vegi fast before I go back to Taiwan again on the 28th.


- The number 555 was very prominent especailly after I came back to Canada until now.


- Saw an old lady at Celebration Christian Bookstore this year that seemed quite strange. She was murmuring and complaining, maybe about the store clerk, she was quoting Scirptures, esp Psa 91, and very accurate. I sensed that it is possibly a demonic work, seems that the more powerful a certain Scripture is, the more the enemy will try to distort it by using it out of context.


- "Heaven is so Real" is a big encouragement to me. I bought this book because Mark asked me to buy it for him because he wanted to give it to Millie. I am taking the same flight as him back to Taiwan on the 28th, what a coincidence.

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