你是一個幸福快樂的基督徒嗎? 還是覺得跟隨神是個重擔, 很多煩惱, 一點也不快樂? 或著屬靈生命到一個瓶頸一直突破不了, 似乎任何方法都試過但還是找不到出口? 作一位基督徒最重要的事是什麼? 當我們與耶穌面對面時, 祂會用什麼標準來衡量我們地上的生命是否合祂心意?
這是這個分享的主題, 基督徒生命的根基, 又是根基系列中的最首要信息, 所以可以說是整個根基的房角石 (還的確真的是跟「房角石」有關). 這個真理比一切其他的真理, 如信心的教導, 聖靈恩賜的運用, 醫病趕鬼的原則等等, 還要優先. 就如任何建築物, 沒有了根基或根基不穩, 就沒辦法繼續往上蓋. 如果硬要擴大加蓋, 或是遇到了風吹雨淋, 一定會倒, 並且倒的很慘.
我把在小組的分享錄下來弄成mp3擋放上來, 可以自由下載轉寄. 大約五十多分鐘, 我把它切成五段, 一段大概十分鐘. 下面有英文的大綱, 有很多細節經文是分享裡沒有時間提到的.
我曉得世界上有很多受傷的心, 在苦難逼迫, 及大試煉的人. 分享的唯一的目的只是希望耶穌的愛能觸摸, 在黑暗的環境中, 帶下光芒. 願神親自祝福大家, 祂愛你, 在祂依然沒有難成的事, 祂好愛好愛你.
請原諒我1: 音質上, 我只有基本的錄音設備 (但還可以聽啦)
請原諒我2: 剛開始時有一邊放著讚美之泉的純音樂當背景音樂, 但好像效果不是很好, 所以後來講到一半時就把它關掉了 (啊... 哈哈...)
請原諒我3: 我的中文有時發音不太清晰, 加上時間有限, 有時會變成在「繞舌」(哈哈... 改進中)
如何使對神的信心成長 (mp3檔 + 大綱)
Foundational Series: 1. Union with Jesus
What does it mean to be a Christian? What is the most important thing in the Christian life? What is success in God’s eyes? What is the ultimate goal of our spiritual journey? When we see Jesus face to face one day, which all Christians will, and He judges our lives, what basis will He judge us on? Many people claim to have spirituality, but what is true spirituality in God’s eyes?
The importance of a solid foundation:
No great buildings have weak foundations. It takes time to build a solid foundation; the larger the building, the greater the foundation. The foundation is usually hidden from the public, and most people tend to focus on outward appearances and judge accordingly. Many Christians grow cold because they do not have a strong foundation, so when difficulties, temptations, and persecutions come, they crumble. This topic is the cornerstone of all our future topics.
Imaging spending the rest of our lives thinking we’re doing God’s will and becoming more “spiritual,” but when we go to Heaven, Jesus says that all those times were wasted, and we end up with only a small reward and spiritual progress.
Two sides of Union with Jesus:
1. Receive God’s love and be “happy” in a relationship with Christ.
Primary texts: Luke 15, John 15, 1 Cor. 13:1-8
- The mystery of “happiness.” God wants us to be “happy” in an intimate relationship with Him (But not materialism or happiness in the world type of man-centered hedonism).
- God loves us because we belong to Him (Father and son, husband and wife, friend and friend); He loves us unconditionally; believers have many titles, but the most important designations are “sons and daughters of God,” and the “Bride of Christ (intimate best friends).”
- The greatest truth of all (more than wisdom, faith, healing, deliverance, etc.). Those who only seek after giftings and anointing can best enter into the Holy Place, but those who abide in the love of God and presence can enter into the Most Holy Place and beat with the heart of God (the pure in heart shall see God).
- A FULL revelation of God’s love will not make us selfish (1 John 4:19)
- Only when we’ve received God’s love then can we truly love and serve others (the emphasis is on the “abiding,” and not the “fruit bearing,” which is only the result of the abiding. Modern Christianity tends to stress the “fruit” and not the “abiding.” Before the commandment to go, is the commandment to come.)
Relevant texts: the “blessed’s” means “happy” in Greek, Mary & Martha, parable of the talents (Matt. 25:21), Mary (Matt. 26:10-13), the early church (Acts 2:46); fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22); David’s grave sin Ps. 51:12; Peter’s failures overcome (Jesus restoring his first love encounter); Jesus’ comment on rejoicing over names being written on the Book of Life rather than demons being cast out; Heaven like a treasure (Matt. 13:44); plant and reap in joy (John 4:36); the wedding feast of the Lamb in joy (Rev. 19:7); Rom. 14:17 etc. (there are many more…!)
2. Be Christ-like in giving love to others in everything we do.
- First and foremost, being Christ-like is being loving to others, and not in knowledge or gifts (1 Cor. 13:1-8). The people whom Jesus praises like Mary of Bethany and the poor widow.
- Character counts (why many do not like Jesus, Christians or the Church). The more we preach, the more people dislike us because they think we’re hypocrites.
- “Little” things matter (E.g. Jesus rebuking ruining hairdo vision)
- The irony: Christians have lost the art of humility and sacrificing, they think they’re more spiritual when they’re in fact becoming less and less spiritual with more knowledge, giftings and titles.
Relevant texts: Gal. 2:20, Eph. 3:13-21, Phil. 1:21 and others
* Union with Jesus is the “trump card,” the ultimate key to everything:
Negative Side: difficulties, temptations, persecutions (burn-out in ministry, poverty, sicknesses, relationship problems, future uncertainties, low self-esteem, forgiving others, overcoming failures, bearing faults and differences) (Rom. 5:5, 8:35-39; Rev. 3:9)
Positive Side: gives us hunger to seek God, spiritual breakthroughs in long hours of prayers, meditation of God’s Word and worship. It’s the key to truly anointed service. (2 Cor. 5:14-15)
What is true spirituality? What’s the essence of Christianity? What’s the basis of God’s evaluation of believers?
It’s not a good religion, rules, regulations, a moral code, programs, knowledge, attending a renowned Seminary, talents, not even spiritual gifts, signs and wonders. True spirituality is being Christ-like to others, summarized by Jesus’ own words: “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength… [and] and you shall love your neighbor as yourself; there is no other commandment greater than these.” It all begins with loving God, and we can only love God completely when we realize that He first loves us completely and wants us to be forever “happy” in Him! It does not matter if we won’t have another 24-hour, because we’re happy in Him, and we live for Him every moment. We have no regrets and will have great reward in Heaven. Jesus is our greatest reward.
Great men of God like Hudson Taylor and St. Francis; Valentine’s! God is the most romantic One! He is our Lover. (Song 7:10; 1:4)
1 John 4:7-21 (Summary; John is possibly the closest apostle to Jesus’ heart of the 12, why? He described himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved”—He knew he is loved.)