Today in my dream I think I had a glimpse of the Intermediate Sphere. I saw the Earth and a planet-like sphere (or spheres) in small 3-D models, which is symbolic. The Intermediate realm formed from nothing to its manifestation. Perhaps God wanted to affirm its reality to me, as it is usually unseen to the natural eyes. It was actually pretty cool, but only lasted a few secs (or I could only remember those few secs). Then another subsequent scene that I could recall after I awoke was a greyish sphere, perhaps it is the dimmer and darker realm of the Intermediate State, perhaps to show me that the lower spheres will really look grey and dark to the higher glory realms. They were really only glimpses, I couldn't remember any other details now, have been tired physically these couple of days (and too tired to ponder more on this now).
The reason I think they are symbolic images from the Intermediate sphere is because I had a few questions on my mind these days regarding that sphere -- I think I was thinking about it just before I slept too. That's why, besides the context of the dream and seeing it manifesting right above the Earth. Haha, these are the type of things not as relevant to this present earthly age. Oh well, anyways, I think they still are to an extent. The many understandings gained this past year on the Spiritual World had changed my view of it dramatically. It's so vast, so endlessless intriguing, and God, oh God, I still want to see more of You through all these exotic places. Probably millions or billions of them, but You, You are the Only ONE in my heart. You are the One that gives light to all Your wonderful Spiritual Universes and children. Without You, they all will become dark and dim, so will my heart.
But You said You'll never leave me nor forsake me. Not only that, but You give me joy, inexpressible and full of glory, You give me love and affection, peace and true strength, meaning and much more. Your love will amaze me for eternity, and I will love You for eternity.