一篇從神心裡深處來的信息. 一個人的屬靈生命不是依據知名度來評估的, 當然會有一些人是神呼召會在大眾媒體下要常常露面的, 但不是每個有名氣的, 會在基督教報章雜誌上讀到的, 就是越與神靠近的. 在世界的另一端, 像許多回教國家, 其他被逼迫的領土如中國和印度, 人口多數是黑人的非洲, 及東南亞國家裡, 都有許多屬神的人是永遠不會成為媒體上的知名焦點. 在西方, 特別是北美, 因為科技傳播的發達, 社會開放及物資富裕, 要上電視或寫書其實並不難. 其實這跟這篇講的東西沒什麼關聯, 只是我覺得活在老底嘉教會時期裡, 這種環境就像住在所多瑪和蛾摩拉(其實很多華人國家的狀況也類似, 甚至更加西方化), 要在這種影響試探下為神保持熱情清心, 真的是要付上代價的呢. 這文章的四位發起人, 就是我個人蠻欣賞的, 有兩位我比較認識. 能夠在名權(教會界中), 恩賜/膏中保持謙卑, 同樣愛最小的弟兄如愛耶穌, 沒有虛假跟瞧不起別人, 從講話行事的態度中自然流露出基督的芳香, 那是不容易的, 那是觸碰天父胸懷的. 希望有了解我在說什麼. 當然所有的注目都要在神自己身上, 但神也用榜樣來鼓勵我們及顯明自己, 如希伯來書十一章的信心偉人篇.
這是在北美裡較為人知的良好榜樣, 比較有知名度, 除此之外, 還是有許許多多在所多瑪和蛾摩拉不為人知的神僕的. 知道他們的存在會鼓勵我們, 有心跟隨主的人並不孤單. 所以這些人分享的信息, 就要好好閱讀消化囉.
在不斷的「偶然」機會裡, 接觸了一些非西方, 華人信徒較不熟悉的神之忠心僕人的相關寫作, 生命見證, 及簡單相交後, 我的生命真的是徹底的被翻轉了, 我真是井底之蛙. 唉, 感觸太多, 我所崇景的夢想被點燃了, 但也同時了解到, 所要走的路甚遠. 這樣的投資, 會是值得的, 不管結果如何, 希望最起碼在地上真正與祂同行過, 而不是很多的宗教外殼. 不要只是一個傳說, 真的有一個屬靈深處的境界, 就在已裂開的幔子後面. 如果傻到盡頭還是一無是處, 那失去的就讓他失去吧, 對我來說也不會太貴重.
最後, 跟文章有關的東西, 裡面說的阿蘇薩復興(Azusa Street Revival)就是靈恩運動第一波的關鍵點, 因為是靈恩恢復的先鋒, 所以很直得從中學習. 叫第幾波是彼得魏格納(Peter Wagner)首先用來形容這些大型聖靈復興運動的. 第一波的開始是在1901的新年, 關鍵人是Charles Parham, 阿蘇薩復興的那個黑人弟兄William Seymour也參加在其中, 後來影響他在1906年帶起阿蘇薩街復興. 想知道一些細節可以看「神的將領」(God's Generals)一書, 李亞敦寫的(Roberts Liardon). 願神祝福大家.
February 28, 2006
The Crisis: the Ongoing Conflict in the Middle East
The earth stands in a pivotal, but precarious, moment in history. All around the globe, the earth seems to be convulsing with natural disasters, lawlessness, wars and rumors of wars.
As you read this, Islam-dominated nations are violently reacting and baring their fangs over a simple cartoon depiction of their prophet, Mohammed. The ugly and violent nature of Islam has begun to rear its head and the Church must respond with fasting and prayer to contend with the menacing threat of Islamic global domination. Groups like Hamas and nations like Iran, who call for the destruction of the nation of Israel and the Jewish peoples, are the signs of a surging violence against Israel and Christendom.
Yet there is an answer to this crisis: the praying and fasting Body of Christ. When the principalities that dominated the airwaves of the Middle East exposed itself against the people of God thousands of years ago, God raised up a single man–the prophet Daniel–in the midst of Babylon and Persia, to contend with the weapons of fasting and prayer against the demonic Prince of Persia. The Bride of Christ must understand that if it is to pierce the darkness that broods over the Middle East and break the vice grip of Islam over the world, it will take the same resolve that Daniel had in fasting and prayer to contend with the Prince of Persia. The Church has entered into a season of Daniel 10 again. The Prince of Persia is on the rise and how we respond in prayer and fasting during this time will determine our future course and destiny. If the Church will throw themselves into prayer and fasting during this critical season, the spoils of victory, including the souls of millions of Muslims, the restraining of the spirit of jihad, the shifting of the Iraq war, and the security and salvation of Israel, will belong to Christ and Christ alone.
The Hope
Despite the raging of the world that surrounds us, the Church ought to and must hold onto outrageous hope. Everyday there are new reports being sent out and new books being published that speak of the dismal nature of the Western Church. For sure, droves of youth are leaving our churches and not returning. The statistics are certainly shocking, but we must not let our eyes dwell on statistics . We must not look with our natural eyes; instead, we must have eyes to see the victory of the Lord even in the midst of seeming darkness. Our report should be nothing less than the cry of Joshua and Caleb, 「We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we will surely overcome it」 (Numbers 13:30). The Scriptures promise that though 「darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples…the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising」 (Isaiah 60:2-3).
Global Awakening among the Youth
While the natural world seems to be thrown into violent upheaval, there is a growing sense among prophetic voices in America that 2006 will be a glorious year for the Body of Christ. In 2003, Kenneth Hagin, an early father of the Charismatic movement, prophetically declared that 2006 would be a glorious year of 「Heaven on earth.」 Early this year, Dutch Sheets had a profound encounter with the Lord where the Lord made the statement that 「This is the year that the lid comes off of the youth movement.」 Another major leader in the body of Christ also made clear that this year would not simply be a celebration of the Azusa Street centennial, but that this would be the year where 「He is coming!」
A casual approach to these prophetic words could be the undoing of a generation. A generation that has grown up only reading and hearing stories of national revival, but never experiencing the in-break of the Holy Spirit for themselves. This generation must learn to labor in prayer and fasting for their Great Awakening. The 40 years of wandering in the desert are up and the sound of rain can again be heard in the very-near distance. Could another Jesus Movement be on the horizon? Our days of rehearsal are finished; God is ready to come back onto the main stage!
Righteousness and Justice
Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. For 33 years, America has lived under the dark cloud of legalized abortion. Yet God has begun a great shakedown in our legal system. In this past year, God has removed two Supreme Court Justices and raised up two new Supreme Court Justices who, if the Church will continue to pray for them, may be the generation that sees the scourge of the death culture and the blight of national sin removed from our nation. However, the shift of our legal system is not finished. We must pray that God removes a third pro-abortion Justice and replaces the vacancy with a Godly Justice who loves mercy, executes justice and walks humbly with his God.
Thus, for Revival, for the shifting of the Supreme Court and the ending of abortion, for the Middle East crisis and the freedom of a billion souls from the vice grip of Islam, and for the security and salvation of Israel; Dutch Sheets, Mike Bickle, Francis Frangipane, and I are calling for one million intercessors to 40 days of fasting beginning on MARCH 1(Ash Wednesday) to APRIL 9 (Passover Sunday and the 100-year anniversary of the Azusa Street Outpouring that began at Bonnie Brae Street). For more information about praying and fasting, specific prayer targets, and daily articles from Mike, Francis, Dutch and I, visit www.facedown40.com. Could we be on the verge of the great worldwide outpouring?
With our faces down,
Lou Engle, Mike Bickle, Dutch Sheets, and Francis Frangipane.
Article source: http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word/3853