We are in a Season of Breaking Cycles
Let me refresh you on what a cycle is. A cycle is an interval during which a recurring sequence of events happens. A cycle can also be a periodically repeated sequence of events, or something that happens over and over at a certain time. Sometimes this is impregnated with supernatural phenomena. A cycle can be linked with time or an event and orchestrated supernaturally so that a repeating wound or injustice occurs from generation to generation.
I am praying that every old cycle that would bring you or your family decrease or destruction in the future is being broken in your life. I am declaring that you enter into God's restorative power. Restoration is the power of returning to any place where "God's best covenant plan was deviated from." Restoration includes reclaiming lost land, lost health, and lost joy.
Restoration is linked with restitution. For instance, if a stone in your house was broken by a workman, it is substituted with another that is even better. I am declaring that every broken stone in your foundation will be replaced with new strength in this coming year. Restoration also means the perfecting, mending or fitting together of every detail of your life that will cause you to complete or end your race greater than how you began it. If the enemy tried to overtake you in the past year, I am decreeing that you have new strength to outrun him and finish stronger in 2006.
May He UNRAVEL every old cycle in your life linked with a three-fold cord of poverty, infirmity and religion. Remember,
* The opposite of poverty is increase and trust.
* The opposite of infirmity is healing and strength through joy.
* The opposite of religion is being willing to embrace something new when presented to you.
* The opposite of infirmity is healing and strength through joy.
* The opposite of religion is being willing to embrace something new when presented to you.
A Sign for Change: THE WIND HAS BLOWN
The Lord's timing is perfect. In November of last year, the Spirit of God moved on us in a meeting at the church pastored by David Ireland in northern New Jersey. We asked the Lord for an anointing to come down so our feet would be set in perfect timing for the year ahead. We asked Him to break doubt, unbelief, and weariness from us so we would not be lagging behind, and to remove presumption from the Body to keep us from running ahead.
The Spirit of the Lord began to respond to us by saying,
"Let Me rearrange your circumstances. Look deep in every circumstance around you for they are setting a new order for your life. Let Me remove your past. Do not strive to hear Me. Let your prayer life be one of asking in simple faith and I will answer you. I will release favor so you can build your future. Let Me train your hands to prosper for building. Stake your claim on your future and expect Me to do wondrous things on your behalf this year."
We then asked the Spirit to stir up the Wind of God in Northern New Jersey. We decreed that the wind of awakening for the churches, state, and region (touching New England and New York) would blow. The Lord began to speak,
"I say to you do not fear the snow. Even in the time of snow the wind will begin to blow. When this wind reaches 67 miles per hour, you will know that one season has ended and you are entering into your future. I say let the WIND BLOWWWWWW!!!!"
The Lord in His sovereign timing used Dutch Sheets and Brian Simmons to coordinate a meeting for us to return to New England this past week. The day before arriving, THE WIND WAS RECORDED AT 68 MPH. The headlines of the paper in Connecticut read "BLOWN AWAY."
The Lord visited Dutch Sheets with a dream. The setting was New Haven, Connecticut at Gateway Christian Fellowship with Apostle Brian Simmons. The Lord instructed Dutch to decree three things in the dream. He told him to declare:
* Miracles would come to the house
* Miracles would come as a result of covenant
* And the region would be baptized into the Miraculous.
* Miracles would come as a result of covenant
* And the region would be baptized into the Miraculous.
Last Thursday, Brian Simmons gathered the region to meet at Gateway. Do you see the significance of God's timing? Only the Lord could have had the wind blow the day before all over New England and the original colonies of our nation as a sign that the season has changed and NOW is the time for AWAKENING. There will be a move of the Spirit characterized by miracles, signs and wonders. The winds hit as a sign scheduled perfectly by the Lord to precede the declaration. Dutch Sheets made the declaration as the Lord instructed and the crowd from all over New England resounded with a shout of agreement!
The Lord is revealing signs in the earth so we will understand that times and seasons have changed.
* Learn to think NOW! Let this be a year of MEDITATION so you will have the right word at the right time and REACT BY THE SPIRIT when confronted and not by the FLESH.
* Let your INTUITION be activated this year.
* BREAK the power of OBSESSION by saying, "The Spirit of God will make me hear and overcome!"
* REMOVE anxiety, fear, doubt, anger, frustration, guilt, jealousy and envy.
* Get ready to EMBRACE many changes in your life.
* REDEVELOP your way of touching and communing with the LORD.
* Let your INTUITION be activated this year.
* BREAK the power of OBSESSION by saying, "The Spirit of God will make me hear and overcome!"
* REMOVE anxiety, fear, doubt, anger, frustration, guilt, jealousy and envy.
* Get ready to EMBRACE many changes in your life.
* REDEVELOP your way of touching and communing with the LORD.
This is a key month for plots of the enemy to be uncovered! Watch for BREACHES! Set aside three days to fast before you enter your next position. This is a time to pray for what has been lost in past seasons and still not recovered to be found. Thank Him for your times of discipline and days of preparation. They will be compensated with FAVOR! For the issues that you gained victory in last year, declare they are secured this year. This month determines your mindset of victory or else you will have a focus of anguish for the year. Do not let the strategies of the enemy keep you from seeing the BEST the Lord has for you in the year ahead!
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