2013 - A Year of Death, Life and Resurrection
The beginning of shaking. All things that can be shaken will be shaken. All that can be removed will be removed. A time of great upheavals.
Key Word:
"Then suddenly.. !"
Deeper beauty of holiness and purity.
猴媽上《我可能不會愛你》片尾之三行情語 (第6集、第9集)
目前分類:神國動態 (22)
- Jan 06 Sun 2013 21:05
2013 - A Year of Death, Life and Resurrection
- Jan 12 Thu 2012 11:01
Tyranny of the Minority | Fast and Furious
Rick Joyner 1/11/2012
Tyranny of the Minority
One of the great injustices of our times is how a tiny minority of people can claim to be offended by something and take the rights away from millions. This culture-choking perversion is the fruit of one of the great deceptions of our times—political correctness. May this be the year when we reclaim our lost rights and restore the Constitution that enabled the United States to become the greatest nation in history.
No decent person should want to purposely offend others, but the political correctness perversion has gone to such an extreme that it is time to get offended at the offended. One of the great symbols of how perverse and cowardly our leaders have become in the face of political correctness is how church bells have been silenced over whole nations in Europe because Muslims claimed they were offensive, while their call to prayer is now heard almost everywhere at a volume that exceeds the law for db limits.
I'm personally fine with hearing the call to prayer, and I do respect those who are so devoted to their beliefs that they pray five times a day even if I disagree with them, but don't tell me the church bells are offensive and then do this. Where are our leaders?
I was watching Fox News one day when the anchor was interviewing someone about a stand they were taking. The anchor asked with seeming astonishment if they weren't afraid that they would offend someone, as if such a thing would be a horrible crime! It is time that we got offended by the whole nation losing its basic constitutional rights because a handful of people claim to be offended by something. This has gone too far, and if we do not stand up now and determine that we will not let the tyranny of the minority take our rights, we will certainly lose them all very soon.
- Nov 05 Sat 2011 06:00
Spiritual Activities (Oct. 26, 2011)
[There are] much activities in the Spirit World and we know that great changes are coming forth. Spiritual changes always take place first and then the natural. There has been recent bouts of activity among the angels in South-East Asia and we know that they are hastening major changes to the region. Our prayers go towards those who are affected by the floods in Thailand, Many of the disasters of the natural realm come from bloodshed of a generation or so before. Sadly, those of the present generation are innocent of the bloodshed of previous generations but all these also took place in the Bible when David’s kingdom suffered a three year famine caused by Saul’s bloodshed of the Gibeonites (2 Samuel 21).
The following are Scriptures that reveal cause and effect of innocent blood shed:
Genesis 9:6 Those who shed blood will themselves suffer the same consequences of their blood being shed.
Numbers 35:33 Bloodshed defiles the land and leaves an open door for the enemy to wreck havoc in the natural realm.
David, himself, was not allowed to build the temple because of bloodshed (although he did not shed innocent blood, except the blood of Uriah the Hittite) (1Chronicles 22:8; 1 Chronicles 28:3).
- Mar 02 Wed 2011 13:26
和合本修訂版 (完整線上版)
和合本修訂版 簡介
- Jan 03 Mon 2011 08:06
2011 – A Year of Conflicts: The Young Lions Rise
January 2nd, 2011
Listed below is first the prophecy followed by some interpretations in seven areas. Be blessed.
- Jan 20 Wed 2010 15:06
Word for 2010
Excerpt taken
A lot of wonderful things are going to happen this year for those who love the Lord with all their hearts. Peering into the future from the vantage point of the Spiritual realm is exciting. While there may be shakings in the natural realm, there will be the land of Goshen for those in the Lord. The spiritual anchor is liken to the ship's anchor which keeps a boat steadfastly moored in a storm; with the exception that it is moored spiritually upwards in God rather than downwards in the waters. How many times does the epistles ask us to look upwards in Christ. We are seated with Him in the heavenly places and we are to look to things above and not beneath. The proper place for the spirit man is in heaven in Christ and not on earth. Earth is the place where our spiritual man puts on a suit to enter into this earth atmosphere (the suit being the physical body). From time to time, we need to surface and breathe the real air of the spiritual heavens. It is our default place and home. It has been so easy to rise to the heights of heaven after the spiritual encounters like some sort of a tuning done to the spirit man once it has has experienced heaven. As I write this, the Spirit came upon me again and draws me upwards (so the pause). This intensity of light is so glorious but I do find the spiritual eyes adjusting to them. I see visions of ships (old and new) ocean liners and all kinds of vessels. The old are being collected and drawn away and the new ones launched. It is a symbolic vision. The ocean is calm but there is a sense of a coming storm. The calm before the storm. I see in the distance an angry looking cloud, menacing but prevented from drawing near. Behind me are a host of angels with great light. The two forces clash over the oceans and the angels, of course, win but the old ships are lost and gone. Suddenly, the storm clears and it is the most beautiful scene; the loveliest ocean view with myriads of beautiful colours of the sea. Grand ocean liners flow in synchrony to the furthest oceans. Who are these ships? They are the people, the nations, the businesses, the ministries – all varied and diverse; small sailings ones, giant liners, all representative of the diversities of humans, entreprises, ministries and nations large and small. This year is a spiritual battle that is foreordained from of old. The spiritual clash that must come. Its side effect on the natural world are the upheavals of nature and entreprises and ministries and nations. It is like the old clashing of empires in the time of Daniel when Gabriel went forth to strengthen the kings of Persia but fought the prince of Persia (Daniel 10:13, 20; 11:1 - the prince and the kings are two different entities, one spiritual and the other humans). A great spiritual battle took placed in the time of Daniel during the changeover of empires; the same is being wrought out in the spiritual realm over the whole earth. It is a war zone in the Spiritual realm above the earth. Spiritual wickedness in high places do not give up their thrones easily but they must for the time has come for changes to take place this year.
Papa God, in the fullness time you have brought all of us to the place where you want us to be; some in one country and some in another, some in cities and some in the fields. Your positioning of your church is such that it is ready for the next phase. We continue to pray for all our loved ones, friends and partners in the ministry, students and church members that you would bring all to the right geographical place, the right physical place, the right spiritual place, the right fellowship, the right partnerships that each may find their destiny in you. Thank you for the work of Your Spirit and the power of the Holy Spirit that You release now in the last days. Thank you for Your angelic armies that march forth to possess new territories in the spiritual heavens. Let Your divine secret place of the Most High be upon us.
Related Link: 2010 - The Year of Endings & Beginnings
- Jan 11 Mon 2010 18:39
2010 - The Year of Endings & Beginnings
The earth is in turmoil as seen in the recent volcanic activities and earthquakes. Indeed, the dream vision of the sinking islands point to a tumultuous year 2010. This is the calm before the storm. A lot of energy is in the air like a tinderbox waiting for the spark. For the believer, it will be a year of visions and endings and beginnings as the changing of the guard gets completed (the old guard giving way to the new guard). In this life, there is no real ending only the new beginning at every ending. The final ending is with Christ's second coming. Thus we will see the end of some things and the beginning of new things like the changing of the seasons. Some things will end this year (2010) and in its place new things will take root. There may be a period of chaos during the transition but it is all under control by God who permits and foresaw this changes. In a time of change, the most important thing is to stay rooted to fundamentals – word, prayer, worship, etc. For those who have been faithful and waiting on the Lord, this season of change will be the launch of new things. I purposely use the word 'launch' rather than new beginnings as there is a preparation and prior beginning before launch – there is a framework already in place before a launch can take place. For those who have already prepared their boat and framework, this year will be the launch of that boat or ship. It is the season to launch into things that have been in the back burner being tested and established but now ready for the limelight.
The passing away of Oral Roberts is especially a prime tell-tale of the changing of guards.
My two recent dream visions seem to confirm this message. The first was a dream where I saw the back of a car with the "N" attached to it being removed, which symbolize the start of something new and official. The second was a flash vision seeing a black coffin being carried away, which symbolize the ending of something bad. These were shown before I read the 2010 New Year message.
- Apr 28 Tue 2009 07:02
Be Ready for Change
Be Ready for Change
- Apr 05 Sun 2009 14:24
The Last and Final Wave of Revival
I am beginning to understand more and more about my call. Some days ago I saw in a dream how Eagle was ministering to me and I heard or saw the words "IV Prama." I came to understand that it stands for the normal usage of "IV," as in "intravenous drips," which would mean an impartation of spiritual knowledge and revelation from him. But I first picked up that it stands for "international vision," that is, the spiritual impartation will lead to a knowledge of international vision. I believe this call is to cross countries, ethnicity, and church denominations.
It is related to the preparation of the last and final wave of revival on this planet Earth. Pastors cannot selfishly only think of their own flocks anymore, but they must recognize that there's only one Church in God and willing to give and sacrifice for the greater good in praying and ministering to the needs of other churches with the love of Christ. This last wave of revival will not be a one man's show, for it takes all the true believers and churches for the perfection of the Body of Christ.
Now is only a very humble, humble beginning, and many will not know it
or even despise it. Just like Christ was born in a manger, the greatest
event up to that point in history, but unknown to the majority of the
world. Just like people will think nothing good can come out of
Nazareth, but there was the place where the Savior of the world was
- Dec 01 Fri 2006 08:55
2007年主的話 / WORD OF THE LORD FOR 2007
- Aug 31 Thu 2006 12:18
- Aug 15 Tue 2006 05:55
Heidi Baker's Uncomfortable Message to America
- Apr 08 Sat 2006 13:04
- Mar 05 Sun 2006 14:17
Chuck Pierce最新的預言性話語和分享,真的帶著從神來的適時指示.我讀完後,覺得根本像是給我的個人啟示性話語,為這樣的事工滿心感謝神.這篇大衛會幕禱告中心網站(http://www.hosanna-tod.com)可能過幾天會有中文的翻譯,需要的話我再放連結.
這裡面有簡短的地方複習他之前A Sign for Change: The Wind Has Blown信息裡的特別啟示話語部分,然後再更多具體延伸談到神這一兩個月的工作日曆.神現在的時刻表會大體架構在最近的基督教和猶太教節期上,從三月一日「聖灰星期三」(Ash Wednesday)到復活節前的四十日大齋節(Lent),在這期間一些靈恩領袖發起的四十天禁食(參The Call to Prayer and Fasting),不但是因為大齋節的關係,而且如果星期天也算進禁食日(大齋部分禁食一般不算禮拜天,所以四十日後就是復活節),那四十天後,會是四月九號,就是聖靈更新運動先驅,靈恩發源地美國加州阿蘇薩街復興(Azusa Street Revival)的週年紀年日.除此之外,那個星期天也會是逾越節開始的第一個禮拜天,而最近將會是普珥節,文章裡會詳細解說這個節日對目前神兒女的啟示性意義.關於那個四十天禁食的東西,Charisma基督教雜誌編輯J. Lee Grady在最新的評論裡也非常支持,可以到這裡看他的分享(http://www.charismanow.com/03-03-06/),非常啟迪人心的看見,他也會簡單說明那些節期的東西.另外關於阿蘇薩街復興歷史可以從一個特會的簡介讀取http://www.azusastreet100.net/history.htm#fox,(中)http://www.azusastreet100.net/pdf/reg_chinese.pdf.
- Mar 02 Thu 2006 08:10
The Call to Prayer and Fasting
一篇從神心裡深處來的信息. 一個人的屬靈生命不是依據知名度來評估的, 當然會有一些人是神呼召會在大眾媒體下要常常露面的, 但不是每個有名氣的, 會在基督教報章雜誌上讀到的, 就是越與神靠近的. 在世界的另一端, 像許多回教國家, 其他被逼迫的領土如中國和印度, 人口多數是黑人的非洲, 及東南亞國家裡, 都有許多屬神的人是永遠不會成為媒體上的知名焦點. 在西方, 特別是北美, 因為科技傳播的發達, 社會開放及物資富裕, 要上電視或寫書其實並不難. 其實這跟這篇講的東西沒什麼關聯, 只是我覺得活在老底嘉教會時期裡, 這種環境就像住在所多瑪和蛾摩拉(其實很多華人國家的狀況也類似, 甚至更加西方化), 要在這種影響試探下為神保持熱情清心, 真的是要付上代價的呢. 這文章的四位發起人, 就是我個人蠻欣賞的, 有兩位我比較認識. 能夠在名權(教會界中), 恩賜/膏中保持謙卑, 同樣愛最小的弟兄如愛耶穌, 沒有虛假跟瞧不起別人, 從講話行事的態度中自然流露出基督的芳香, 那是不容易的, 那是觸碰天父胸懷的. 希望有了解我在說什麼. 當然所有的注目都要在神自己身上, 但神也用榜樣來鼓勵我們及顯明自己, 如希伯來書十一章的信心偉人篇.
這是在北美裡較為人知的良好榜樣, 比較有知名度, 除此之外, 還是有許許多多在所多瑪和蛾摩拉不為人知的神僕的. 知道他們的存在會鼓勵我們, 有心跟隨主的人並不孤單. 所以這些人分享的信息, 就要好好閱讀消化囉.
在不斷的「偶然」機會裡, 接觸了一些非西方, 華人信徒較不熟悉的神之忠心僕人的相關寫作, 生命見證, 及簡單相交後, 我的生命真的是徹底的被翻轉了, 我真是井底之蛙. 唉, 感觸太多, 我所崇景的夢想被點燃了, 但也同時了解到, 所要走的路甚遠. 這樣的投資, 會是值得的, 不管結果如何, 希望最起碼在地上真正與祂同行過, 而不是很多的宗教外殼. 不要只是一個傳說, 真的有一個屬靈深處的境界, 就在已裂開的幔子後面. 如果傻到盡頭還是一無是處, 那失去的就讓他失去吧, 對我來說也不會太貴重.
- Feb 20 Mon 2006 10:37
A Sign for Change: THE WIND HAS BLOWN
- Feb 08 Wed 2006 08:17
A Storm Warning for Canada
- Jan 15 Sun 2006 09:01
2006 – The Year of Paradigm shifts
(猴媽註:今早起來時,因身體的緣故精神有些低落,往外一看,太陽先生竟然高高綻放耶,因為已經連續下了好久的雨,聽我姊說好像快趕上溫哥華歷史上連續下最久雨的記錄,那還是一九五零年代什麼的。後來在網上,發現了這篇最新的文章,神也用了它來鼓勵我。神新的工作模式已來到,一定要好好抓住哦,別對自己犯的錯感到灰心沮喪,因為耶穌就是為此而來的,祂的恩典大過我們所有的軟弱... 祂愛你愛你唷!)