(Article Taken)
January 2nd, 2011
Listed below is first the prophecy followed by some interpretations in seven areas. Be blessed.
The Prophetic Word for 2011 – A Year of Conflicts: The Young Lions Rise
Hear ye, hear ye the Word of the Lord
Hear ye, the trumpet in the feast of trumpets (Lev. 23:24)
Hear ye, the sound of the sounding of the angels (Exo. 19:19)
Hear ye, the wind of season of change
It is yet ten days to the time of the Day of Atonement (Lev.23:27)
The trumpets will sound for yet seven seasons
And the first of the season has come
Enter ye, by the boldness of the Lion of Judah (Pro. 28:1)
For His feet are upon all that are against Him (Gen. 3:15)
And He shall trample the serpent beneath His feet (Psa. 91:13)
And divide the spoils to the young lions of Yahweh (Jos. 22:8)
Your eyes have not yet seen all that the Lord shows you (1Cor. 2:9)
But you have tasted of the goodness of the Lord (Psa. 34:8)
And smelt His grace and favour upon your life (Est. 2:17)
And your ears have heard the voice of His might (Deut. 4:36)
So rise and obey, the voice of the Lord (Gen. 27:43)
Of His gentle but mighty voice (1 Thess. 2:7)
Carried over the noise of the waves (Psa. 65:7)
Calling and saying, Come (Mk. 1:17)
So rise out of the boat and walk on the waters (Matt.14:28,29)
Together with the Lord whom you discern (Eze. 44:23)
Whom your heart has known (Jer. 24:7)
But whom your eyes have yet to see (Jn. 14:17-19)
For it is the Lord and He will hold your hand (Psa. 139:10)
That you may walk side by side with the Lord your God
Rise up, rise up, you who dwell in the Lord’s presence
Rise up and take dominion, enter your land of rest, your land of Canaan
Be not dismayed, be not discouraged at the giants in the land (Jos.1:6-7)
Nor at the pursuing armies of Egypt,
nor at the seas or the mountains before you (Exo. 14:13-14)
For the Lord is with thee, and His arm is to the strong
And in His strength to the bold
Be not afraid, be not fearful but know the Lord thy God (Isa. 35:4)
The sound of thunder, the sound of marching, (2 Sam. 5:24)
The sound of an advancing army
Not a thing of beauty, not a thing of delicacy (Isa. 61:3)
Yet mighty as a sword in the hand of the Lord
Cutting across the many foes,
Vanquishing the tidal wave of the enemy’s flood (Isa. 59:19)
Putting to silence the clamour of the enemy
And sitting at the table of the Lord to feast (Psa. 23:5)
Hear ye, hear ye the voice of the Lord
The Lord speaketh and He changeth not
He has called and He will fulfilled (Rom. 11:29)
He has commissioned and He gives provision
He has declared and you, He has prepared (Job 28:27)
Turn not to the left nor to the right (Deut 5:32)
But march forward, set your face as flint (Isa. 50:7)
Hear not the voices of those who hear not the Lord
But say they heareth the Lord
For the Lord changeth not, (Jam. 1:17)
nor recall His Word which He sent forth
He has spoken even from the beginning
And awaits the obedience of His first Word
For the race is not to the swift nor to the strong (Ecc. 9:11)
But to those who know the Lord and love the Lord
His hidden manna and wisdom are to those who seek His heart
And who know the heart of the Father (Matt. 6:26)
There will continue to be the shudders
That signals the beginning of sorrows (Matt. 24:7-8)
As it was of old so it continues to be
That the earth groans
awaiting the manifestation of the Sons of God (Rom. 8:26)
Yet there shall be three trembling and three nations (Rev. 16:19)
That will shake and tremble as empires that change hands
And rulers rise and fall, and those therein (Dan. 2:21)
The dragon shall rise like the lion destroying its prey (Num. 23:24)
And drinking the blood of the slain
And the prey as a lion of old
Torn in twain as a lion in half (Jud. 14:14)
Yet within the strong shall the bees nestle
And out of the eater shall come forth sweetness
While the old lion crouches and watches (Gen. 49:9)
For an opportune time in a latter season
Held back by the hand of the Lord
The Davids of this generation shall arise to slay their Goliaths
But first they must slay their lions and bears (1 Sam.17:34-36)
Within this year they must be bolder than the lion they faced
And stronger than the bear they wrestle with
Kill or be killed, rise or be trampled
The time has come to awaken out of sleep and from thy slumber
Know that your way ahead
is not as you expect but as the Lord prepared
As the Lord spoke to Peter ‘Arise and kill and eat’ (Acts 10:13)
So is He saying in this year, Arise, kill and eat
For the Lord has prepared a table before you
In the presence of your enemies
He will drive out the enemy before you little by little (Deut. 7:22)
As you grow stronger and stronger in spirit and in strength
That the ground before you will be yours and yours alone (2 Sam. 3:1)
Behold He removes kings and sets up kings (Dan 2:21)
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those with understanding
He changes the times and the seasons
It is the time of great change
It is a season of change
Thus shall He end and thus shall He begin
It is a year of ending and a year of beginning
A time of opening in a time of closing
When the sands of time shift to reveal His glory (Lev. 9:6)
And all shall know that He is the Lord of glory
Some interpretations of prophecy and visions below:-
1. Spiritual
Dreams and visions of a growing rhinoceros.
a. Rhinos have poor eyesight but very good sense of smell
Spiritual sight is not developed yet but still has to move forward. A number of people are waiting to move forward…waiting till the vision or dream is clear, waiting till the word of prophecy in their lives have been made superclear many times over. 1 Corinthians 13:12 – we see dimly in a mirror, we know in part. This is the time to move forward even though you do not see the whole. Walk in the little revelation you have boldly and be guided by the love of God within you to fill the areas of unknown. 2011 is not the year to wait but to launch forth boldly with whatever little revelation received.
b. They are primarily herbivorous
The energy needed to move and launch in to new areas is sustained only by the Word of God. Those who do not sustain themselves by the word will find themselves falling off back to earth without the energy to maintain balanced orbit around the Lord. A number of events and the necessity of the cares of this life will seek to take time off from the Word but the diet will not suit the task assigned by God just as a meat diet will not suit the baby rhino.
c. They can charge at the speed of 45 km per hour
There is focus as a rhino charges. It fears nothing and marches onward. Since it does not see clearly, it is reliant on what it had sensed previous to the charge. A steadfastness and a fearlessness to take back dominion from the enemy.
d. They are not very social animals living in very small groups.
There will be those whom God assign to fellowship together. Small teams are the key to sustain oneself through the next year. Find your spiritual partners and friends in the Lord to help you through. They will not been in great numbers but numbered on the fingers of one hand.
Meanings: not what one expects or is yet (rhino – nobody wants to be an ugly thick skin rhino). But one must be thick skin in the New Year, bold like a lion and unashamedly taking authority and control.
1 Kings 13:1-31. Listen not to the word of the young prophet that contradicts the original word that you hear from the Lord. Keep to the original word that the Lord has shown and you shall be save from death by lions in the year of the lion.
2. Economic
A vision of laser beams like fighting and in the end turn into a graph below:

Green – US$; Red – China -Yuan; Purple – Euro
Basically a mixed picture. In some areas of the world, prosperity reigns but in others a slow declining picture but overall in the world at large an upswing. China and Europe in greater harmony in economic hegemony struggle but yet in tandem.
Numbers 23:24 applied to China – replace ‘lion’ with ‘dragon’
Judges 14:14 applied to USA, as a lion torn apart. As a nation stung by bees, with nests of stinging bees, yet it yields something sweet for all the world.
Gen 49:9 applies to Europe
OKJV - Judah is a lion’s whelp from the prey, my son, thou art gone up he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?
3. Natural
More turbulent times in the natural world as it increases towards 2012. Earthquakes, volcanoes and unseasonal times. A major faultline appears in North America that was not known before exacerbating the present weaknesses at the known earthquake zones (east and west coast) but the central areas of North America remain unaffected. The unfulfilled visions of violent times as seen by Kenneth Hagin (in his book ‘I believe in visions’) have yet to take place and seasons of violence increasing. USA tending towards a more violent society within cities except for rural or further outfield towns. Matthew 24:7-8 will increase and not decrease. The beginning of sorrows is a long, drawn out process until the coming of Christ. Three great quakes three different countries that struggle to lead the world.
4. Personal
If there is a time to call for boldness, 2011 is a year that calls for the lion-hearted. The bold shall take the spoils. Examine what the Lord spoke to you originally and contrary to what diverse words you hear, stay true to it, be bold and your shall live and triumph. Disobey and the year of the lion will kill you. Obey and the year of the lion shall aid you.
1 Samuel 17:34-36 You will need to kill both the lion and the bear to face the year 2011 and be successful. You will have to be braver than the lion and the bear to conquer the year of the lion.
5. Ecclesiastical
There is the changing of the guard that has gone on for the past five years of the decade of glory (2006 to 2016) and will continue throughout this decade. Unfortunately, for the organized church it will still be the wrestling of the Laodecian church versus the Philadelphian church. It is by the permission of God that He allows this contrast and all successful churches will always be tested in the measurement of their riches, whether it be physical riches alone or spiritual riches in God. There will be a void that will be created that will be filled with the hunger of God for revival like the drawing out of the waves before a coming tsunami. The void and hunger must come before the provision of spiritual revival and feast. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 – apostasia, harmatia, apoleia takes place in sequence.
6. Angelic and Israelwise
Michael is still prince over Israel (Daniel 10:21). Nations of the world will be divided into two categories – those for Israel and those against Israel. More and more nations will turn against Israel. Israel will find itself with fewer and fewer friends until it finds its Messiah in God after the manifestation of the Antichrist. (Ezekiel 37:28). There are mighty forces dividing the influence of nations as there were during the time of Daniel when the prince of Persia and the prince of Greece (Daniel 11:1-3)
7. Other areas
Strange vision of black Mercedes being slowly driven down the road. It looks like part of a funeral service of a prominent world leader. Many mourners were present and the procession was through a major street in a major city. It was a time of sadness in the air and atmosphere. Yet these events signify a mighty turning of national significance. (Zechariah 11:1-3)
January 2nd, 2011
Listed below is first the prophecy followed by some interpretations in seven areas. Be blessed.
The Prophetic Word for 2011 – A Year of Conflicts: The Young Lions Rise
Hear ye, hear ye the Word of the Lord
Hear ye, the trumpet in the feast of trumpets (Lev. 23:24)
Hear ye, the sound of the sounding of the angels (Exo. 19:19)
Hear ye, the wind of season of change
It is yet ten days to the time of the Day of Atonement (Lev.23:27)
The trumpets will sound for yet seven seasons
And the first of the season has come
Enter ye, by the boldness of the Lion of Judah (Pro. 28:1)
For His feet are upon all that are against Him (Gen. 3:15)
And He shall trample the serpent beneath His feet (Psa. 91:13)
And divide the spoils to the young lions of Yahweh (Jos. 22:8)
Your eyes have not yet seen all that the Lord shows you (1Cor. 2:9)
But you have tasted of the goodness of the Lord (Psa. 34:8)
And smelt His grace and favour upon your life (Est. 2:17)
And your ears have heard the voice of His might (Deut. 4:36)
So rise and obey, the voice of the Lord (Gen. 27:43)
Of His gentle but mighty voice (1 Thess. 2:7)
Carried over the noise of the waves (Psa. 65:7)
Calling and saying, Come (Mk. 1:17)
So rise out of the boat and walk on the waters (Matt.14:28,29)
Together with the Lord whom you discern (Eze. 44:23)
Whom your heart has known (Jer. 24:7)
But whom your eyes have yet to see (Jn. 14:17-19)
For it is the Lord and He will hold your hand (Psa. 139:10)
That you may walk side by side with the Lord your God
Rise up, rise up, you who dwell in the Lord’s presence
Rise up and take dominion, enter your land of rest, your land of Canaan
Be not dismayed, be not discouraged at the giants in the land (Jos.1:6-7)
Nor at the pursuing armies of Egypt,
nor at the seas or the mountains before you (Exo. 14:13-14)
For the Lord is with thee, and His arm is to the strong
And in His strength to the bold
Be not afraid, be not fearful but know the Lord thy God (Isa. 35:4)
The sound of thunder, the sound of marching, (2 Sam. 5:24)
The sound of an advancing army
Not a thing of beauty, not a thing of delicacy (Isa. 61:3)
Yet mighty as a sword in the hand of the Lord
Cutting across the many foes,
Vanquishing the tidal wave of the enemy’s flood (Isa. 59:19)
Putting to silence the clamour of the enemy
And sitting at the table of the Lord to feast (Psa. 23:5)
Hear ye, hear ye the voice of the Lord
The Lord speaketh and He changeth not
He has called and He will fulfilled (Rom. 11:29)
He has commissioned and He gives provision
He has declared and you, He has prepared (Job 28:27)
Turn not to the left nor to the right (Deut 5:32)
But march forward, set your face as flint (Isa. 50:7)
Hear not the voices of those who hear not the Lord
But say they heareth the Lord
For the Lord changeth not, (Jam. 1:17)
nor recall His Word which He sent forth
He has spoken even from the beginning
And awaits the obedience of His first Word
For the race is not to the swift nor to the strong (Ecc. 9:11)
But to those who know the Lord and love the Lord
His hidden manna and wisdom are to those who seek His heart
And who know the heart of the Father (Matt. 6:26)
There will continue to be the shudders
That signals the beginning of sorrows (Matt. 24:7-8)
As it was of old so it continues to be
That the earth groans
awaiting the manifestation of the Sons of God (Rom. 8:26)
Yet there shall be three trembling and three nations (Rev. 16:19)
That will shake and tremble as empires that change hands
And rulers rise and fall, and those therein (Dan. 2:21)
The dragon shall rise like the lion destroying its prey (Num. 23:24)
And drinking the blood of the slain
And the prey as a lion of old
Torn in twain as a lion in half (Jud. 14:14)
Yet within the strong shall the bees nestle
And out of the eater shall come forth sweetness
While the old lion crouches and watches (Gen. 49:9)
For an opportune time in a latter season
Held back by the hand of the Lord
The Davids of this generation shall arise to slay their Goliaths
But first they must slay their lions and bears (1 Sam.17:34-36)
Within this year they must be bolder than the lion they faced
And stronger than the bear they wrestle with
Kill or be killed, rise or be trampled
The time has come to awaken out of sleep and from thy slumber
Know that your way ahead
is not as you expect but as the Lord prepared
As the Lord spoke to Peter ‘Arise and kill and eat’ (Acts 10:13)
So is He saying in this year, Arise, kill and eat
For the Lord has prepared a table before you
In the presence of your enemies
He will drive out the enemy before you little by little (Deut. 7:22)
As you grow stronger and stronger in spirit and in strength
That the ground before you will be yours and yours alone (2 Sam. 3:1)
Behold He removes kings and sets up kings (Dan 2:21)
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those with understanding
He changes the times and the seasons
It is the time of great change
It is a season of change
Thus shall He end and thus shall He begin
It is a year of ending and a year of beginning
A time of opening in a time of closing
When the sands of time shift to reveal His glory (Lev. 9:6)
And all shall know that He is the Lord of glory
Some interpretations of prophecy and visions below:-
1. Spiritual
Dreams and visions of a growing rhinoceros.
a. Rhinos have poor eyesight but very good sense of smell
Spiritual sight is not developed yet but still has to move forward. A number of people are waiting to move forward…waiting till the vision or dream is clear, waiting till the word of prophecy in their lives have been made superclear many times over. 1 Corinthians 13:12 – we see dimly in a mirror, we know in part. This is the time to move forward even though you do not see the whole. Walk in the little revelation you have boldly and be guided by the love of God within you to fill the areas of unknown. 2011 is not the year to wait but to launch forth boldly with whatever little revelation received.
b. They are primarily herbivorous
The energy needed to move and launch in to new areas is sustained only by the Word of God. Those who do not sustain themselves by the word will find themselves falling off back to earth without the energy to maintain balanced orbit around the Lord. A number of events and the necessity of the cares of this life will seek to take time off from the Word but the diet will not suit the task assigned by God just as a meat diet will not suit the baby rhino.
c. They can charge at the speed of 45 km per hour
There is focus as a rhino charges. It fears nothing and marches onward. Since it does not see clearly, it is reliant on what it had sensed previous to the charge. A steadfastness and a fearlessness to take back dominion from the enemy.
d. They are not very social animals living in very small groups.
There will be those whom God assign to fellowship together. Small teams are the key to sustain oneself through the next year. Find your spiritual partners and friends in the Lord to help you through. They will not been in great numbers but numbered on the fingers of one hand.
Meanings: not what one expects or is yet (rhino – nobody wants to be an ugly thick skin rhino). But one must be thick skin in the New Year, bold like a lion and unashamedly taking authority and control.
1 Kings 13:1-31. Listen not to the word of the young prophet that contradicts the original word that you hear from the Lord. Keep to the original word that the Lord has shown and you shall be save from death by lions in the year of the lion.
2. Economic
A vision of laser beams like fighting and in the end turn into a graph below:

Green – US$; Red – China -Yuan; Purple – Euro
Basically a mixed picture. In some areas of the world, prosperity reigns but in others a slow declining picture but overall in the world at large an upswing. China and Europe in greater harmony in economic hegemony struggle but yet in tandem.
Numbers 23:24 applied to China – replace ‘lion’ with ‘dragon’
Judges 14:14 applied to USA, as a lion torn apart. As a nation stung by bees, with nests of stinging bees, yet it yields something sweet for all the world.
Gen 49:9 applies to Europe
OKJV - Judah is a lion’s whelp from the prey, my son, thou art gone up he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?
3. Natural
More turbulent times in the natural world as it increases towards 2012. Earthquakes, volcanoes and unseasonal times. A major faultline appears in North America that was not known before exacerbating the present weaknesses at the known earthquake zones (east and west coast) but the central areas of North America remain unaffected. The unfulfilled visions of violent times as seen by Kenneth Hagin (in his book ‘I believe in visions’) have yet to take place and seasons of violence increasing. USA tending towards a more violent society within cities except for rural or further outfield towns. Matthew 24:7-8 will increase and not decrease. The beginning of sorrows is a long, drawn out process until the coming of Christ. Three great quakes three different countries that struggle to lead the world.
4. Personal
If there is a time to call for boldness, 2011 is a year that calls for the lion-hearted. The bold shall take the spoils. Examine what the Lord spoke to you originally and contrary to what diverse words you hear, stay true to it, be bold and your shall live and triumph. Disobey and the year of the lion will kill you. Obey and the year of the lion shall aid you.
1 Samuel 17:34-36 You will need to kill both the lion and the bear to face the year 2011 and be successful. You will have to be braver than the lion and the bear to conquer the year of the lion.
5. Ecclesiastical
There is the changing of the guard that has gone on for the past five years of the decade of glory (2006 to 2016) and will continue throughout this decade. Unfortunately, for the organized church it will still be the wrestling of the Laodecian church versus the Philadelphian church. It is by the permission of God that He allows this contrast and all successful churches will always be tested in the measurement of their riches, whether it be physical riches alone or spiritual riches in God. There will be a void that will be created that will be filled with the hunger of God for revival like the drawing out of the waves before a coming tsunami. The void and hunger must come before the provision of spiritual revival and feast. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 – apostasia, harmatia, apoleia takes place in sequence.
6. Angelic and Israelwise
Michael is still prince over Israel (Daniel 10:21). Nations of the world will be divided into two categories – those for Israel and those against Israel. More and more nations will turn against Israel. Israel will find itself with fewer and fewer friends until it finds its Messiah in God after the manifestation of the Antichrist. (Ezekiel 37:28). There are mighty forces dividing the influence of nations as there were during the time of Daniel when the prince of Persia and the prince of Greece (Daniel 11:1-3)
7. Other areas
Strange vision of black Mercedes being slowly driven down the road. It looks like part of a funeral service of a prominent world leader. Many mourners were present and the procession was through a major street in a major city. It was a time of sadness in the air and atmosphere. Yet these events signify a mighty turning of national significance. (Zechariah 11:1-3)